Keep OW2 separate?✅

My concern is simple really.

I like Open Queue. I want them to keep it for OW2 and to not ruin it by overbuffing Tanks. If they can’t do that then I’d prefer an “Overwatch Classic” mode.

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That would be a good enough of a safety net for me but I can’t see it happening as tanks that loved 2/2/2 would go to that mode over the other. Splitting the tank base and eating up tanks from the normal role queue which blizzard wants to avoid for dps queue time purposes.

Same could be said for splitting the two games. Just that in the scenario that we have to keep 6v6 around, it would make more sense to have it as a mode rather than it’s own game in my opinion.

Yep which i think is extremely unlikely hell even more unlikely since they have already been designing with the purpose of updating ow1 so it would be near impossible programing wise to change direction now anyways lol.

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“Sequel”… “DLC”…

What a tiresome and useless distinction

How did my post ended up as the OP?

Don’t give an option for ppl to edit your post, dude. The replay and edit buttons are on the same place.

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Before I jump into why you are wrong about DLC I will address why you do not want what you actually claim to want. The root of the problem is you do not how anti consumer what you are asking for is. What you are asking is effectively for them to not bring of OW2 into OW1, basically stop all updates to OW1, and make you pay for OW2 and continued MP support. Basically meaning that OW1 would just die off quickly. We saw this with the SC expansions that the older games swiftly died so you are basically asking Blizzard to make it so that you have to pay money to play a non-dead game.

Now, onto the other point about DLC. If you elect to buy OW2, the things you get exclusively with OW2 are: A campaign mode and a “hero” mode reminiscent of various horde modes in other games with a slightly more in depth progression system. As a fun fact that is basically what a full-priced game would offer. That is what you got with Doom Eternal. That is more than what you get in a LOT of full priced games (a lot have zero MP modes after all). Therefore your definition of DLC is fundamentally flawed.


Level 3s may add their own pros/cons. Will de-wiki if needed but would like not to have to.

You can remove my comment btw.
Apparently I can’t do it because the text contains links.

They already are. Except the PvP changes are coming to OW1 as well.

No way. The game will be incredibly stagnant and players will either quit or just give in to the new PvP.

Just suck it up and wait for them to show us a version of 5v5 that’s actually balanced for 5v5, we have no idea what every hero will look like so far and all the forums’ complaining isn’t going to help. You literally cannot judge 5v5 based on any gameplay we’ve seen, the only real criticism here is that tank duos are being eliminated.

They still haven’t fix the “we need a healer” bug in the game. So …

This thread is a bad sign for Overwatch 2.

I am worried. :frowning:

I like the idea but I think most would prefer to keep getting updates rather than keep enjoying the current model.

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Not happening, too much work for the team


How did you like, “call” my post?
It’s not even tagged anywhere

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No. sorry. they didnt make it an entirely new game when they added role que, which only a minority wanted, so they shouldnt do the same for OW2 and 5v5.

It will mean there is no more support for OW1 and honestly thats just awful.

Sometimes you just gotta accept change homie.

Honestly, I gave up on PvP after role queue got implemented, so I don’t have a horse on this race. For all that I care, PvP can go either way, and I’ll avoid it as much as possible once we get PvE available.

My bet is that the new engine optimization will be expecting 10 character models on screen max, and scaling it up to 6 characters with their wide range of effects will impact gameplay on consoles.

Same reason why 7v7 is not an option, and why custom lobbies are limited to 12 players.

really off topic, but how was I invited to a topic? I’ve literally never seen that before? Like what…?

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I voted no because OW2 will have a load of new content and I like new content. New heroes cant be added, new maps cant be added, no new game modes…

Overwatch Classic or a classic arcade mode may have legs though - the tech exists already to make it separate, so…why not both?

They will probably have 6v6 Quickplay Classic.

But likely there won’t be 6v6 Open Queue.