Keep Nerfing Tanks and You'll Be Job Hunting Real Soon

There are two solutions

Either rework the tanks so that they cant get counterswapped as easily, then nerfs can happen

Or 6v6

Personally i dont care 5v5 or 6v6 they both have good and bad sides

I don’t either, I just want a better game T^T

When minority threatens to be better than they should, at this point, you can put some lgbtq stuff on your forhead. Tanks are busted and that’s a fact, the game now runs as 1 Tank + 4 minions. This is stupid power distribution, that’s a fact, again. Tank role should be equal and nobody cares if it is unfun for you to not be overpowered. This role keeps ruining this game since forever powered by devs stupidity that don’t play their game. Tanks and supports are in general an issue of all times in this game. Their freaking policy of the “the best offence is a good defence” which in real world works absolutely opposite - ruins their game. Pepegas should be punished, pressured, suffer to compete. Comptetition firs, skill first - fun is a bonus, not the other way around. Make the game balanced, make the roles power distribution equal, and the fun will find itself in its natural way, not the artificial way that they promote just in a sake of milking this dead cow named overwatch with the skin releases, and prolonging the lifespan by supplying more disbalance in the game just so that these very tanks can play the game better than they could.

go play Valorant.

If it was equal they would not be giving us tanks insta ques. You live in a box.

You are joke. looking for competition in overwatch when one global can define the game. this is not 2016.

No there is no solution. LIke I adopted, i dont need to play comp to feel like shyt.

Now that I have acquired their BS title from Drive. I iwll go back to quick play and play Tank and not have to worry about 1v5 just to dunk on tanks. I can easily gg go next.

Comp is going to die before summer arrives.

Proof is, game devs who dont play the game will bait us with titles and rewards just to log into comp.

This is how WOW died, OW is right there next. 6 months, watch what they do.

They want to kill tanks and make is horrible to play.

Thank God they’re nerfing Tank more, easily the most boosted role RN due to how overtuned it is. Maybe fix the actual issues with tank instead of giga buffing their numbers and making the game feel worse for DPS and Support players.

Please, get out. And don’t back. Sick of selfish tanks holding the balance hostage.

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