This past week I have been getting multiple disconnections during Competitive matches, and as a result, I have multiple suspensions -I’m at the 24hour mark now-. I’m all updated, I have never had this issue before and my connection is solid. The only difference I can recall is that I started solo-queuing?
Appreciate your help and support.
Thank you!
Try to focus on your connection troubleshooting if you can, however at this point I would recommend avoiding participating in any further Competitive Play matches for the remainder of the season because another leaver violation will result in a season ban after the 24-hour suspension mark. Season bans results in loss of all end of season rewards and you will be one step closer to a permanent ban.
Note, sometimes a disconnection can happen for reasons outside of your end of the connection, playing Quick Play or a Custom game, try running a WinMTR test to see why disconnections may be happening.
i got ban for the season cause of this Routing issue where seriously
Im having the same problem I cant play the game anymore without the game working I hope they can remove the ban for people its happening to.