KB+M support coming to console

Isn’t it just xbox so not console

Its already on ps4 tho

Exactly its only coming to xbox not ps4 since ps4 already has it

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This is straight cheating. It’s a unfair advantage on a community that specifically uses controllers in a competive game. Xbox is just doing a big FU to its players. Most people are set up in thier living room or bedroom not as a desk. This needs to be banned from overwatch


Just buy a keyboard and mouse then. They are like 20 dollars compared to a 40 or 60 controllerr


It’s official now at any rate for Xbox. I didn’t know about PS4. I just found this today

Already a feature in fortnite and they gonna separate it for people who wanna play on pad and those on k&m best of both worlds


Fortnite queues mouse and keyboard users together across platforms


Also didn’t know this.
I hope this becomes the standard

It does but i posted its working on making it optional

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It’s 2018, and it’s a wonder to me that millions of players world wide still play shooters with joysticks… That’s so, embarrassing…


MechWarrior 5 is going to be one of those games where I would go out my way to buy that mini-keyboard game pad thing and a joystick. No shame

my keyboard and mouse was $40 combined and they work perfectly. a Xbox controller is over $65. Sounds like the people who complain about this are really bad at money management.

Why are people who don’t want to play on pad playing on console, thats what doesn’t make sense. Some people just enjoy sitting on the couch playing on pad and have done for a couple of decades lol.


Do like I do and play Hybrid. Controller left hand and mouse in right.

I’ve always hated WASD movement.

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Let’s hope blizzard can block this.

Nobody’s fault but your own.

But you’re not embarrassed to be judging how other people choose to play their games? Because I’m a little bit embarrassed for you. You play the game on pc, that’s great, but you don’t need to be a bigot about it. I mean millions of people play Minecraft, a game that looks worse in 2018 than anything on the original Nintendo ever did. But why would we judge what games people like to play? And, for that matter, what platform they like to play on?