
That doesn’t change anything about the point I made

Not being able to headshot and having a better escape doesn’t make his no regs a less viable point

And, Hanzo can 1 shot and burst tanks quicker than Junkrat can most of the time, especially if the Junkrat wants to live.
Hanzo also has a projectile that’s 4 times faster than Junkrats and has basically no arc to it unlike Junkrat

I win

no, you just don’t I’m afraid

Then actually give a counterpoint
Oh wait, you can’t without looking like a fool
And if you do I can easily dethrown it again because Junkrat is worse than Hanzo on virtually ever aspect

junkrat scoffs in disgust

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Does Junkrat have a dash AND a wall climb.


Then he doesn’t have a better escape.

Also I think Hanzo and Junkrat need to swap voice lines:

Junkrat gets “Simple Geometry”
Hanzo gets “Aimings’ overrated”

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Overwatch in general has extremely generous player hitboxes.

It just becomes something you pay more attention to when you die in one hit from it. People like to pin it on “Hanzo shoots logs” but it’s really just the absurd head hit-box tied to a lot of heroes.

When you walk in front of a teammate and get headshotted by a hanzo trying to kill them


actually i have used mei and alt fired aiming for a hog and randomly headshot a tracer blinking in from nowhere.

this happens too often and i am slightly worried.

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Hanzo is a class


They’re only small trees


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It’s Zenyatta’s RMB for me. I swear about 10% of the Orb Volleys I fire go into unlucky sods who chose precisely the wrong moment to get between me and a target.

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That picture is perfect :joy:

This does not make it less ridiculous.
A projectile with the size more then your palm registers the same as a projectile with the size of your thumb.

Btw Hanzo is not the worst, Mei is actually is even worse, thankfully she is not played much and lets hope Blizzard does not buff her to keep her playtime low.

Once I mine jumped into and got headshot by a hanzo shot that would have killed our Ana.

It’s more that the hitboxes used vs projectiles are larger than the hitboxes vs hitscan.

If you look at an enemy in the game you’ll see a red outline. Hitscan weapons have to be completely within this outline, and not touching, whereas any part of a projectile can be touching this outline and still be classed as a hit.

Sniper with a monstrous close range ability and the mobility of a flanker btw

This went from funny to salty real fast.

Never change, forums.


When you shoot Anna in the toe but head shot Phara instead.


Too, be fair after reading this exchange, you are the one that looks foolish… sry… like really foolish…

That was the intention, I was seeing how long I could make the exchange go for. Not long tho I guess