Just won comp game with 10 k/d ratio, 66% kill participation

The problem is, with the shortened seasons and everyone starting at different points in the season, there isn’t time to recalculate everyone’s SR/MMR. Also, not everyone plays the same number of games. Pro sports, everyone starts at the start of a season and plays the same number of games. You don’t have stragglers coming in mid season. Some players don’t even play 50 games a season.

It takes about 50 games to calculate an ‘accurate’ MMR. With a full reset, those will be 50 totally chaotic games where GMs are grouped with bronzes. Seasons are not long enough to sort it.

That could easily be handled, though. The important part in a reset is to make sure everyone plays enough games to minimally matter. Now you are getting a rank after only 10 games, so maybe Blizzard thinks that’s enough. That number could be raised, seasons could be made longer, or even the reset could be made annually, not per season.

Anyway, there are answers. I’m not getting paid enough to think of them all, but I think it’s pretty obvious that your rank becomes an anchor and if you want to encourage to keep people trying, nobody wants to try with 1000+ games weighing them down.

The other team may have had a lower overall sr so the system expected you to win and didn’t grant any bonus sr. At least that’s how I’ve heard it works…

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So you’ve had 1 amazing game performance, how much SR do you feel is correct for just 1 game like that, 500, 1000, 1500?

If you can perform consistently like this you’ll shoot up the ranks in no time even with SR gains of 27.

How exactly? You don’t have anytime on Tracer this season on this account.

We have no idea what stats are used to generate the +/- SR from the norm. So K:D might only give you one point above. More kills on the payload/objective vs non objective kills? who you kill? We do not know.

Lucky you got anything. Usually when I’m hard carrying I end up losing SR.

The performance system doesnt go off of individual games. That probably upped your mmr a bit, but if you want more sr you have to play like that consistently. Also, follow up from aerocrypt, you literally have 0 time played on tracer…

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You probably did well because the other team wasn’t nearly as strong (i.e. it wasn’t an even match). The matchmaker saw that the other team wasn’t as strong and so you didn’t receive as much SR boost.

It was on my alt account.

On that account, over the last 40 or so games, I was averaging about 29 SR per win and 17 SR per loss. All of a sudden, the last 2 wins before this latest one, I mysteriously only gained 21 SR. Then this one I gained 27 SR.

So what does this mean? If the performance system doesn’t go off individual games, what does it go off of?

Also, I already stated that it this not a normal game for me. But the reason I created this thread is I’ve had several wins lately, in which I gained about 30 SR (highest gained recently was 35 SR, and I feel like this game was a much better performance than that one), where I did not perform nearly as well as this game. That is why I am so confused that I only gained 27 SR for what I feel is one of my most noteworthy performances

According to the dev post on SR gains and matchmaking. The SR gains for performing well are a ‘small modification’.

This makes sense as one particularly good game does not indicate higher overall skill, consistent overperforming however indicates a player might be misplaced.

The SR modification being small means that it adds up over many games allowing you to get to your true rank faster than without it. If the boost was too big then players would constantly overshoot their rank when they play better than normal or drop too low when they play worse than normal.

So your telling me because I’ve been playing on the same account for 2 years and flexed depending on the season, I’m having a harder time gaining SR?
( honestly curious)

Maybe, the forum is filled with a lot of random guesses and people who only tell 1/2 the story. People will get a new account, play 30 games on it and go “See that peak is where my main should be!” yet it’s only 30 games. Same for them throwing 30 at an old account and then it’s “See I can’t win here” but they played 100s on a new account. It’s not apples to apples.

It’s why many of us don’t buy into the performance SR at lower SR ranges being all that much of a problem. Yes it’s annoying and can feel strange but the bottom line is most players are just not winning enough games in total.

like for example right now your account played a TON of games this season. 490 games… 245w-235l-15t… but the reason you’re not moving up in SR faster is out of 490 games you only won 245 of the, as in a perfect 50%. You needed to find a way to win +30 more out of that 490 to get your win rate of all games played up into say 56% and really moving you forward.

the problem is Overwatch as a game is crafted in such a way that a player can really feel they are doing great. Maybe they even are doing well in their current games but at the same time it’s not playing in ways that will work/win at higher SR ranges. So they can’t move up very far.

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Well the system also, before the game, calculates your odds of winning. If you have more combined sr than the enemy team, you will gain less, and vice versa. Same goes if one team is a 6 stack and the other team is all solos.

Removing pbsr wont fix any issues in lower elo. All it will do is make it harder for smurf accounts to rank up and thus keep them lower than they need to be.

Do you think someone with a 4-1 KDR but 50 percentish win rate should be stuck at say mid silver where they could perform just fine in low gold?

you have no tracer playtime in comp this season, and even if this game did happen, your stats clearly show you performing pretty poorly and your mmr is clearly low. pbsr AND mmr both affect sr gains.

only? the average SR is about 22-23 I think, 27 is pretty high up on the scale

I was queued up with a buddy and we both healed. I ended up with gold healing and he had silver. He got more SR than me for the victory. I was super pissed.

Which heroes?

They all get assessed differently. Although you don’t get to know what you’re aiming for as that would be far too sensible.

Nah, with PBSR, average is around 25. Maybe at GM 22-23 is average, but you guys don’t have PBSR