31 final blows with tracer with 7 pulse bomb kills… only gained 27 SR. So can someone tell me how the heck this PBSR system is supposed to work? I would classify that as one of the most dominating comp performances I’ve ever had, I even solo capped the final point right under the nose of all 6 of the enemy team (right after they used all their ults and wiped the rest of my team. I just blinked past them and rode the payload to the finish line while they were chasing down my teammates, lul).
Honestly I was expecting to gain something like 50 SR, based on stories I hear of other people gaining giant SR gains in some of their games. I literally singlehandedly won the game for my team, the rest of my team were actual potatoes. My dps partner was so bad that my teammates were yelling at him to switch the whole match (I didn’t say anything because I had to concentrate on carrying them). I never even got any healing, despite the fact that I was obviously the hard carry, which generally earns a pocket healer, if the support are competent.
But I only gained 2 SR higher than the average? I can guarantee, other Tracers aren’t putting up performances like that on a regular basis, so what the heck?
Pbsr is a load of bollocks. I remember a game as Mercy where I was utterly terrible, only managed 3k heals and 4 rezzes as our Genji with 70% kp carried us to a 2-0 win. Got 30 Sr.
Game as Orisa. Sat on payload all game to stop back capping as my team 5v6 spawn camped the enemy out of my Los. I got about 5 kills. 27 Sr.
Game as Mercy, 15k heals, 12 rezzes, 25 Sr.
Game as Torb, hammered turret all game, zero medals as I was shtt. 28 Sr.
Pbsr, working as intended…
Don’t believe half of what you read on the forums. It takes some time to determine which half to believe.
The baseline is more likely 24, not 25. But 3 SR is a normal gain for a good, but not extraordinary game. So either your game was not as extraordinary as you believe, or there was some other factor holding down your gain. Perhaps your team was expected to win. See How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 11) for a more complete story of all the things that can affect SR gain.
Anyways, if you continue winning two-thirds of your games, you will get to diamond in no time, and there there is no performance SR.
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they need to just get rid of PBSR because it’s complete garbage and anybody who disagrees is only disagreeing because they gamed the system in one way or another.
Maybe keep it in bronze to help players who actually improve climb out of hell. Otherwise, I agree it’s an awful feature that just breeds mistrust in the system.
speaking as someone who was hard stuck in bronze, I would hate that. I only got out of bronze because I bought a new account and I think PBSR was part of the problem. bad plays count more against you than good plays count for you. so a good game gets you 30 SR but a bad game loses you 50 SR
You NEVER lose 50SR unless you disconnect. In 1200 hours, NEVER lost more then 30SR for a loss.
most I’ve lost in a match that I played from start to finish was 51 SR.
EDIT: I’ve had this happen 2 times in about 150 matches.
I don’t believe this is possible.
EDIT: I have well over 3K wins alone.
believe what you want, I was recording the data.
Here’s where ‘chess systems’ fail in ranking people.
As your number of game plays increase, it’s possible that you are ranked more accurately. But it also makes the point of trying to improve more and more pointless, which is why people have to start new accounts to get a better picture of where they currently are. And that process will never end.
This is why in any pro-sport, every season is a clear reset. Now, if you are bad you’ll still end up at the bottom, but if you’re good, or got better, you won’t be hurt by old scores that don’t really apply to you anymore.
But whatever, it’s not changing, so just treat your rank as casual. It’s more fun to play this game at low ranks anyway.
The problem is, with the shortened seasons and everyone starting at different points in the season, there isn’t time to recalculate everyone’s SR/MMR. Also, not everyone plays the same number of games. Pro sports, everyone starts at the start of a season and plays the same number of games. You don’t have stragglers coming in mid season. Some players don’t even play 50 games a season.
It takes about 50 games to calculate an ‘accurate’ MMR. With a full reset, those will be 50 totally chaotic games where GMs are grouped with bronzes. Seasons are not long enough to sort it.
That could easily be handled, though. The important part in a reset is to make sure everyone plays enough games to minimally matter. Now you are getting a rank after only 10 games, so maybe Blizzard thinks that’s enough. That number could be raised, seasons could be made longer, or even the reset could be made annually, not per season.
Anyway, there are answers. I’m not getting paid enough to think of them all, but I think it’s pretty obvious that your rank becomes an anchor and if you want to encourage to keep people trying, nobody wants to try with 1000+ games weighing them down.
The other team may have had a lower overall sr so the system expected you to win and didn’t grant any bonus sr. At least that’s how I’ve heard it works…
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So you’ve had 1 amazing game performance, how much SR do you feel is correct for just 1 game like that, 500, 1000, 1500?
If you can perform consistently like this you’ll shoot up the ranks in no time even with SR gains of 27.
How exactly? You don’t have anytime on Tracer this season on this account.
We have no idea what stats are used to generate the +/- SR from the norm. So K:D might only give you one point above. More kills on the payload/objective vs non objective kills? who you kill? We do not know.
Lucky you got anything. Usually when I’m hard carrying I end up losing SR.
The performance system doesnt go off of individual games. That probably upped your mmr a bit, but if you want more sr you have to play like that consistently. Also, follow up from aerocrypt, you literally have 0 time played on tracer…
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You probably did well because the other team wasn’t nearly as strong (i.e. it wasn’t an even match). The matchmaker saw that the other team wasn’t as strong and so you didn’t receive as much SR boost.