Just what Mercy needed :D

Mercy’s round of nerfs ended up putting her healing into borderline off-healer territory. BUT with these new buffs, she feels just about right for a main healer again (she’s clearly above Brigitte, Lucio and Zen again).

I can easily get THREE ults in four minutes and the healing actually feels impactful again. Good job Blizz, Mercy doesn’t feel undertuned anymore, she feels… balanced.

I don’t wanna see any “Revert Mercy” people here. I think Mercy is in her healthiest spot since Mercy 2.0 came out. Respect Mercy for what she is now, people change and that’s ok.

EDIT: I shouldn’t need to add this but Mercy mains are some of the most judgmental players in the game.

Yes, I play on console. I’m a Diamond player. No, that doesn’t invalidate my opinion.

On PS4 in Diamond, she has a 5.56% pickrate and 51.41% winrate (4th most picked Support overall)

On PC in Diamond, she has a 2.46% pickrate and 51.58% winrate (6th most picked Support overall)

… her winrate is higher on PC and she’s in the bottom three pickrate Supports on both platforms. So yes, she’s in a similar spot on both platforms.


Mercy needed so much more than what she got.


Eh. She feels no diffrent. Her ult is still not great. Even with the faster charge time



I’m still patching–does she feel somewhat useful again?

It’s been really frustrating since her last nerf trying to play her. I like being helpful to the team. That’s why I play support, you know? Without her heals I just felt like I was being carried rather than having any actual impact no matter how hard I played.

10hp/s on only her ultimate doesn’t change anything.

I don’t want her to be reverted. I want her to be reworked. Just remove revive and actually make her fun, engaging and useful to play.

She still has no burst heal.

She still has no ability to protect her team.

She still can only do one single thing while healing while all other healers can juggle tasks.

She still stuns herself for 2 seconds.

10hp/s changes on her ultimate changes NOTHING.


Here’s to hoping it’s a bandaid and not a sedative. We might just be seeing 6 months of Ana being the only viable pick in masters+.


Is she meshing well with Ashe so far? That was the talk of the town last week.

“Somewhere between underpowered 50hps patch and overpowered 60hps patch”


I mean… both were garbage from a design point of view… so… y’know. Still needs a rework even if she is technically closer to balanced now.

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Probably does. But the devs probably don’t want to invest the necessary devs resources for that right now.

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I agree. A rework to flesh out all her issues would be nice. Essentially is Valk isnt her ult anymore. Anything but Valk


I’ve played with her using 60hps in Valk before. It felt crap then, it’ll feel crap now. It won’t solve the issues with her.


Revert Mercy! lol

Dont tell me what to do! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok for real now. Buffing valk isnt anything amazing at all we already had that version before the hp/s nerf and know it isnt exciting at all. So in conclusion she still needs another rework/revert of some form.


Eh, from many hours on PTR and the amount of live I’ve played so far, Mercy is still a pretty horrid healer from a teammate’s perceptive and you can still just ignore her as an opponent.

I personally wouldn’t want her on my team as anything other than a pure pocket and even that’s a bit iffy.


She never has. You should be bringing Moira for that.


technically nothing Moira does is burst, it’s just high enough HPS that it feels like burst. Among supports there’s exactly three actual burst heals. Nano, Bio Nade, and Armor Pack.


You do know that this is the same Mercy as the one we had before her healing nerf, only with weaker base healing and that you need 1~s more to charge Val?


So why were you complaining when she lost those 10hps ?

You say she has no burst healing, but she never had, this is her way to heal…
you say she cannot protects her mates, but she never had this possibility, this how she is.

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Back to this again.

Bumping her healing in valk back to 60HPS does not address the issues that other players have with her kit/impact. They have already had valk at 60HPS and this will not be any different from before.

I’m hoping for Bliz to go back and either heavily tweak valk or rework Mercy again once more important issues are addressed.

I’m happy that you are enjoying your experience with Mercy though.


This person is an obvious troll trying to mock Mercy players, why is anyone bothering to entertain them? We should know better at this point guys.