Just So Ya'll Know

Yes make the character even more one dimensional, Bravo. But you’re only advocating for that crap because 1. You don’t know what he’s lost since 2017 and 2. You’re part of a nonthinking hivemind.

You wanted to know why I singled you out there it is :clown_face:

Punchbotting could still happen with 175 punch damage, just not it being the MAIN and ONLY viable playstyle for him.

His regular combo would be better as well so you don’t even NEED to do rollouts.

You clearly have zero knowledge on the hero you’re trying to argue about so why don’t you just skip along to a different post and go make another plat take over there, on your level 1 account you use to lurk on a forum site.

Weirdo ah jit

This is what irks me about you zoomer fks. He had more than 2 combos at launch you know? He could do a lot more than just slam+up or RP bot. You use to be able to 180 flip people or set up slam 90* RPs. Slam+2 primary melee was viable on a lot of 200 hp targets.

All you clowns see is RP botting or Bug abusing rooftops and I’m tired of people like you dominating the character when none of you clowns were willing to pick him up when the meta didn’t favor him. And when you did pick him up the floorplan has already been laid out for you nice and clean so you don’t have to do anything at all other than follow some basic rollout guide and end your combo in the exact same way 99.9% of the time.

And then you clowns are so huffed up on copium thinking people will actually accept Doomfist as more of an assassin. People do not like his kit in any capacity and when you admit you’re willing to trade anything you give those people leverage against him.

I literally had your rank my first 20 hours on Doomfist in my first comp season coming off of being a Hanzo one trick in S5. This is when Tracer and Genji dominated the game btw. :clown_face:

Meanwhile you had to wait for dbl shield to come back to even get that.

You are gold support.

Do you really think that you are Superior.

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Why are you so antagonist with the OP? All that Doomfist players want is doom to be a better pick since he’s been struggling for a while.

I don’t think doom mains are evil or “part of a hivemind” for wanting buffs for their favorite hero lol

I hate getting destroyed by good dooms in game, but that doesn’t mean that I have something personal against the people who main him.

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I’ve been maining doom since his release. To save you and your time wasting speaking a bunch of non sense. I’m going to just mute you now…

And yet on my other account I’m high diamond.

I just used support on here to play mercy when I didn’t really feel like doing sht in the game, plus going for stupid rezzes and getting away with it funny asf.

I don’t see these people as Doom mains. That playstyle wouldn’t even be possible if they didn’t increase the skylimit specifically to buff Pharah back in 2016.

A similar thing happened to Ana. She came out designed to be split damage / healer and ended up just full on healbot after she got some key buffs. Now I see the same thing happening to Doom just in a different way. Ana was my main before Hanzo and when that happened she ended up as a dead character to me.

ZZZzzzzzz you make me sleepy. Will talk some more, I promise you that

“Other Account”.

Nobody Cares about your useless internet points in an online game.

Stop bragging about it.
Stop degrading others for their opinion only because they disagree with you.
And why are you even here if the forum is beneath your standard.

Dont you have anything else to push your ego with.

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Who said sht about ego lmfao.

I’m here for a laugh as I clearly stated.

The problem with Doom isn’t his balancing it’s that many players don’t want him in their games ever.

He punishes poor positioning and awareness extremely hard and often requires basic peeling for your supports in order to survive. Which means he’s hated in low ranks :man_shrugging: It’s not that he’s too strong it’s that he exposes poor play.

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Also “waaah his CC” even tho it’s possibly the WEAKEST CC in the game.

No one has ever heard the sentence “We need more CC and stun, can we get a doomfist?” It just doesn’t happen.

I don’t agree w/ that cuz there are certain Heroes who have no Ability whatsoever to evade or escape DF Ult and the faster you gain Ult. The sooner they are Deleted.

You don’t need mobility to dodge it.

Literally click W. The only way people die to doom ult is if they are straight up afk or already below half.

Whoever told you this ultimate deletes people, was lying. This is THE worst ult in the game.

htt ps://m.twitch.tv/kevindurantow/clip/ArtsySmoothStingrayBrokeBack-lbmNO6MAdHD3892i

Wait who do you main.


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He placed it w/ Ana in the Middle instead of Ana heading towards the Middle.

It’s like playing Projectile Heroes from across the Map lining up shots and complaining that you missed.

You gotta be afk for Hanzo to land shots.

Even if ana starts from one side of the inner circle, she can still walk across the entire middle circle PLUS an extra 1.5 meters.

All heroes move 5.5 meters a second. The drop down lasts a second.

You can use your brain, I know u got it.

He aimed the Ult as if it was HITSCAN.
He came down as if it was PROJECTILE.

You don’t place Ana DEAD center & then say
”Derp, I thought I would come down faster”

We don’t have a Birds Eye View when DF Ult arrives. You can certainly catch ppl w/ that Ult due to such if you place it NOT w/ them DEAD Center but headed towards that direction instead.

Did you not read what I said at all that completely dismissed ur argument of “aim it towards where they are moving” or sumn? I mean it was the ENTIRE premise of my reply.

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