Just saw they already disabled Pharah experimental?

Just saw an article saying they disabled Pharah experimental and will relook at it another time? Well as usual that’s disappointing.



Did you read the whole article? I did. It’s because it was glitching for some users and they want to fix that and try again later.


They shut it down in 24 hours because of issues it was causing.


What issues was it causing anyways? I played with it and had no technical problems. No one I know of seems to have had problems. No one of the forums seems to know what the problems were specifically???

What would break the game in such a way that it needed to be hot fixed out??? It’s not an inconsistency. Remember how Mei couldn’t boost herself on her wall and they passed that through from experimental to live. It stayed in the game weeks before they patched it!

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Here you are. It was causing an issue.


Right but WHAT was the issue it was causing? I just checked the past 2 weeks on the bug report forum and I cant find anything regarding Pharah. Was it a case of spaghetti code where adding downward acceleration cause some kind of chain reaction that corrupted game files???

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Ha yeah I did I’m just saying it’s disappointing that there were issues associated with it. And I’d bet its many a moon before they fix it and bring it back.

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That’s fair enough. It’s probably the first time they’re implementing an ability like that into the game. Nothing else activates or changes while pressing the crouch button in the air iirc.

Probably the usual reason they remove stuff like this. Glitching through walls.

It simply didn’t work for some people. That’s it.

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Is that the real reason or are you speculating that, that’s it? Like I said, there are no bug reports on anything related to the ability that I could find.

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They’re probably too preoccupied with trying to find a way to nerf Brig for tha bajillionth time