Hooray, a high mobility high health hero with a oneshot stun ability on cooldown. Fantastic. Just delete him at this point, since nerfing his cooldowns has had no effect against his cancer.
No 2: Electric Boogaloo
Don’t forget Bastion too. Nerf the stupid shields, but keep Doom and Bastion as heroes beyond crowd control. I am really sick and tired of Blizzard not fixing them two.
But there’s fun counter play with him. What do you do against a Widow? Hide behind corners usually…
they nerf every single dps, people can outdamage healers,
you cant play genji, tracer, phara, soldier
enjoy one shot kill meta, git gud
Grab another sniper and make them rage quit and go back to who I was playing
Nah, sniping is boring. I’d rather have fun on Sym.
Or maybe, just tweak him a little?
Shes fun, and annoying to some extent. If I am playing Symm and someone else is paying attention I will toss a Sentry or two at Widow and as she focuses that, she gets picked off, or I will just TP up to where she is and take care of business that way too.
Why not?
The hero literally ruins the game.
For real, just join the movement already. You don’t even play the game.
The game’s longevity outweighs the occasional kick you get from that false sense of accomplishment after killing a hero with the most cheesy hero in the game. A kick you get through kills you didn’t even deserve.
Uh no. Even if I wasn’t a Doomfist main i still wouldn’t join u guys. After all the things I can do against enemy DF u want to complain with u guys.
I still play the game. I just spend most of my time in deathmatch and custom games. And just a little bit in quick play.
Wait- why tho?
Even more???
Wait so you mean Bastion needs NERFS?
I see Doom + Hanzo, Widow, Mccree every game, Bastion though?
Who is playing Bastion? Maybe somebody tries it once in a while, but it always gets blown up and they switch. To Doom…
No that was part of my speel on what they just did, I am implying they nerf the shields but not DPS including but not limited to Bastion or Doom
Hes overdue for a nerf, people go to Bastion for the following:
They are lazy have no skill
Break the shield meta.
Blizzard comes along and decides to nerf the shields, they are too powerful, but people still go grind out a Bastion to take down shields and mow over most teams, a Rein shield can still hold up pretty well holding a Bastion for protection while that Bastion shreds the opposing team from afar.
Right now, DF is much more balanced than he used to be. He annoys me a lot, but I don’t want to ruin the hero.
Tanks can deal with him in a much fairer way. Rein is not bullied by DF as he used to be. Baptiste can kill DF with his gun if he positions himself well enough.
He is still fairly oppressive to Supports in particular, but he is definitely not the nightmare he used to be.
Doom is the biggest reason I can’t play this game for more than a day or two before uninstalling it for 6 months. He is the most annoying thing in this game and just sucks the fun out for me. I can accept all the other bad balancing, but Doomfist just makes me want to go play another game. Which I will. Be back in 6 months for another day or two.
Hey, I know two other heroes with that!