Just Put OWL back on Twitch for Christ Sakes

Nobody likes YouTube Gaming. Hate it or not.

The website isn’t giving people tokens at all. That site never lets me log in and is just plain stupid.

I haven’t gotten any tokens ever since OWL left Twitch Platform.

There’s zero reason to watch on YouTube or the official website.

Official Website isn’t even user-friendly and doesn’t reveal the ‘live stream’ location.

It just shows YouTube live stream and still refuses to let you sign onto the website.

Like, what is the point in that?

I’ve tried many times. I lurked many times and no points or tokens. OWL used to be fun in watching.

Now a days, I watch only Apex Legends Tournaments and all of those things are on Twitch with YouTube being optional.

Please, for the love of god. Go back to Twitch.

Thank you for reading,
and no I’m not ranting.

Just sharing the honest to god truth in a form of feedback from someone who spent hours watching OWL on Twitch to not watching OWL anymore since the switch.

I’m sure others feel the same way I feel.


I watch on the phone app and have also successfully used the official website for tokens. What seems to be the problem you are having with the official website?


I click on the sign in. It logs me in and refreshes, but when I check. I’m not signed in at all. I click sign in again and it refreshes the page. Still not signed in.

What cookies are required for the official website. I checked cookies too. There is no ad blocker. I let ads run on the official website.


your right, its a horrible interface with horrifically bad systems for drops like tokens. Twitch does it right, youtube is just not a live streaming platform.


Have you tried watching on h ttps://gigabra.in/ ? I’ve seen someone people say they’ve gotten token drops working on there.

But I agree, OWL on youtube sucks. The lack of cheers, all-access pass/player POV, and even the spammy chat makes the whole experience way less exciting to watch.


i’ll try that. I’ve never heard of that one

Just putting this out there… I dislike Twitch. Everything I watch is on youtube.


Google and ActivisionBlizzard are currently in a multi-year contract. To my knowledge, Overwatch League is going to be exclusive on YouTube for the next two seasons.


If they added tokens to yt I’d be happy with it, being able to have good vods and go back and forward as you wish is great and it’s better than twitch imo


I understand, but OWL can stream on both Twitch and YouTube at the same time. Like I mentioned, other games like Apex Legends does both.

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I think Twitch and OW couldn’t come to an agreement on pricing.

gotta go through 3rd party websites, kinda sketch

I’m probably one of the few people who prefer YouTube to Twitch because I never been on twitch once. YouTube is great because you can stop live showing then watch them later


I saw that too and couldn’t trust it. I didn’t even click on it after learning what it basically does.

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As soon as Twitch is willing to pay OWL as much to air the matches as Youtube is, I’m sure it will be back live on Twitch.

People seem to think this is some choice OWL made out of the blue. It’s not. It’s about $$$. Twitch wasn’t willing to sign a big, exclusive, streaming deal. Youtube was. OWL is making money, from Youtube, whether anybody watches or not.

If you wish OWL was still streaming on Twitch, you have nobody to blame but Twitch.

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Facts are facts and fans may have to accept them but Blizzard is doing their fans a disservice by not making a clear means to access viewing of games and collect tokens. It’s convoluted. Players should be able to click a simple link that takes you from your “signed-in account” to the live games. Instead, we have to start doing research to find out how to get it to work. You can’t simply go to OWL’s YouTube channel which should be linked with your account. You have to go to the official OWL website, then log in, and even then it’s uncertain if you are even logged in. It’s absolutely unclear. Blizz can do better.


Big facts. It shouldn’t even be this hard and frustrating. Turns me away and other viewers. :frowning:

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I for the life of me have no idea how a company as well off as blizz does not have a team that can make a simple thing like a functioning website.


ive never had a problem getting tokens watching from the official OWL site… until today. hours watched, zero tokens. what a shame. i miss having OWL on twitch and i miss the fun twitch emotes we could get for it


I can understand the frustration of not earning tokens, but saying there’s no point in watching if you can’t earn them is just plain greedy.