I just hit level 200 and got all the titles.
Now there’s nothing to work on/towards.
This is the MAIN thing I hate about OW2, devs took out every single form of permanent progression
-Account level
-Lootbox grinding
-Saving up coins from duplicates for future events
-Ranks (what’s the point, they’re not visible in matches anyway)
-Even farming endorsement categories or upvote cards or medals or fire status
It’s all GONE. There’s nothing for me to do until next season except idk add more hours to my time played chart?
I know I can play this game “for fun” but I really need to be working towards something to enjoy a long-term game. I already have 3,500 hours into this game so I don’t really play it “for fun” anymore
Soo…is that new “hero progression system” still in the works that you mentioned in February?
“And while still in the early stages, we have begun design work on a hero-based progression system that would showcase the energy players put into playing each hero and mastering their different capabilities.”
Because, good god, there’s nothing to progress or work on outside of farming an invisible rank for your profile or get your 30th golden gun for no reason
But seriously, it amazes me how poorly thought out OW2 was. There’s plenty of blame ot go around, and they are taking their sweet time to fix it. It’s so sad to see a game with so much promise get wasted by poor decisions.
You’d think that they would’ve put an temporary “X% of xp gained after lvl 200 will carry on to the next season” and everyone would’ve been happy. Guess that was too much work.
While your game goals might be subjective, objecively speaking after you have done the BP there is nothing to grind for. Thats why the 2nd part of the season always seems like there are more empty games, meeting the same people over and over in you matches.
The game gives you no permanent goals. In OW1 you still gained lvls and lootboxes. Cash at least. You got better portaits.
I’m at 185 lvl on BP personally and I already know once i hit 200 and finish all season Challenges (I only require 14 more Ranked victories TBH) I am gonna take a break and play something else.
A game like that should have permanent goals you could strive for. Something to show or feel rewarded for victories. Now it’s nothing more than: “You won? Great. Pat yourself on the back for how good you are”.
What Blizzard is doing with this current model is a quick burst of players at the start of each season and gradually forcing the playerbase out with every passing week as the novelty dies out.
If there is nothing to gain from playing more games inevitably players will feel burned out, even if they are winning. Thats not how a PvP game should work. Look at Dead by Daylight - there is always something to play for there, you can have hundreds of hours of gaining stuff and customising heroes, experimenting with different builds.
And now it is time to acknowledge the elephant in the room. THIS WAS WHAT THE PROMISED PvE WAS SUPPOSED TO BRING INTO THIS GAME. Hello, Mr. Elephant!
I agree guys. This is mind boogling. Make a glorified upgrade to a fine game, slap the number 2 in front, take away working features and then keep “fixing” the damn thing by adding them all back slowly, one season at a time.
It’s either one of the biggest scams you can think of or just plain stupidity.
It’s like with with “The Sims” franchise where each new game only adds QoL upgrades and graphics but still locks THE EXACT SAME EXPANSIONS behind a paywall.
We understand that some players already have very large balances of Credits. To ensure that all players feel rewarded for the time they spend playing, we’re looking into additional ways for players to use Credits in the future.
I reached Level 200 on all seasons, except S1. Every time I felt like, now what? Right now I don’t care about the Battle Pass anymore, I just do the weekly challenges to have coins for the next battlepass (I won’t buy anything with real money, I don’t see a reason why I should do this giving the state of the game and latest news) and play comp for the gold weapons. But the amount of games I need to play in order to achieve these 2 goals is tremendous, and it feels unrewarding. For a gold weapon I need to sweat a lot, and sometimes I even ask myself why am I doing this?
Couldn’t agree more, I’ve just hit Battle Pass Level 285. I’m pretty bored playing after two/three games now. This triple XP bonus is doing nothing for my account lol. The only thing I do now is try to master some heroes I don’t usually play. I sometimes set myself goals in a match, like Boop 5 Heroes off the map or try and get 3k damage boost etc to make the game a bit more fun.
It’s a shame the Battle Pass stops where it is, I don’t care for the Name Badge things. If people complete the Battle Pass there really isn’t any reward for playing other games unless you want to climb in Competitive for your own joy. That’s why so many people leave QP matches, no penalisation for leaving as no one would care about 75% less xp for their Battle Pass.
I guess I’ll say more explicitly, if you stop having fun the minute you no longer have content to unlock, were you really having fun? Or was your brain just getting tricked into making number go up?
What? Plenty of time you can get on fire during Support.
Brig, Zen, Bap all can have this.
I hold a screen on my PC from OW1 with being MVP Baptiste 88% of match on fire.
Kind of yeah. Most of the stuff on BP is useless fluff. And if someone doesn’t buy Premium, the things they get are abysmal.
This. I often feel this as soon as I reach lvl 80. I don’t care much for the titles. What do they give you? Does anyone even care for those Prestige titles? Will anyone even comment this? “Oh look - a Cyberdemon player. WOW!”
This is probably the first time I’m gonna reach 200 and only because I gamed more with friends this month than in the last seasons. Might as well finish it since it build up already.
There are no implications. How long can you play a game that never changes? That does not give back?
Every game rewards you with something in the long run: levels, story, abilities, power, content, goals to achieve… Some even feature New Game + modes etc.
There are such phenomena as hooks, immersion, replayability. Each genre achieve these in its own way. Notice many console games have introduced Trophy’s/Achievements so that people play for Platinum.
Point is the game has to give you something in return for your time. It makes a huge part of what you call “fun”. It’s a major hook for many and a reason to come back to it.
A game which doesn’t have much novelty to it and doesn’t change with you constantly playing it is rather “tedious” and “dull”.
To simplify: No one can expect others to have fun by constantly doing the same stuff over and over.
This is a flawed way of looking at the concept of “having fun”.