Just had a Junkrat moment {IVE GOT AN IDEA}

Continuing the discussion from Blizzard response to Seagull?:

An epiphany came to me. If those who believe that seagull didn’t have any INFLUENCE on these changes, then riddle me this.

  • Why did it take 50 hours for blizzard to update on nerfs SPECIFIC to the characters mentioned by said streamer? O well, it was already in the works so then they wanted to add the changes sooner rather than later. Okay, I hear you, but then why didnt they mention on the PTR notes of 11/14 that they were looking at more nerfs to come at a later point or at least hint that they were not done with BRIG or DOOM changes.

If we ignore the first point by saying these nerfs were inevitable - they were coming regardless of reasons. Then lets move on to point 2

  • These changes were already in the works way before the video uploaded it was mentioned in Blizzcon with other streamers, YET! THEY ARE to come on monday, instead of patching them same day. Okay, i know that the hot fix to reapers spread took some time, but thats because they had to go back into the lab and do internal testing. Does that mean the Devs still need more time doing internal testing for the doomfist changes? I thought that they had already had them in the works?

Did Blizzard not get influenced by blizzcon, the diablo fiasco of the disservice to fans; The Constant, Heated Forum threads about DooM + BRIG; and most importantly a video by said streamer who is highly regarded by the community whom started an uproar in the threads, with a creation of a thread called "Blizzards response to the Seagull video?" >?

Jeff Kaplan himself said in an interview with Emong at blizzcon that they were aware of CC being a massive problem and they were taking a look at it. Both the brig nerfs were CC related and even doomfist is loosing a lot of his CC, so it was already in the works before seagull made the videos

You ignored point 1 (which is okay, as mentioned in my post), and failed to address the issue of the point 2.
You didnt even hit my sup-point of why it took 50 hours for the changes to be announced, nor the INFLUENCE aspect