No doubt. If i quit, I quit for the night. And sometimes that is in the middle of my 5th roll or be rolled match in a row. It’s not fun stomping or getting creamed.
You need to stop going to that theater, fam. At a certain point, it is on you. Have some self respect.
Well that’s your opinion.
As long as the issues get addressed in some capacity, I don’t care what order it’s done in.
Usually salt is added after the dish is done, but the chefs on Team 4 clearly want the flavor now. Let ‘em cook.
True lol. I honestly barely touch overwatch anymore. This is the first time I’ve even looked at the forums in months. I just still follow game news and stuff hoping things get better.
This is backwards.
They introduced harsher leaver penalties. They saw meaningful impact but weren’t satisfied with how much it mitigated. So they upped the penalties further.
Give us map selection or stop punishing us with double loss control maps.
not if you dont rage quit… dont know whay that is so hard
If you don’t want to play, don’t queue.
They cannot unless they sacrifice queue times to do it. Which would directly harm their engagement stats. Which directly impact their bottom line due to reduced purchases of battlepasses and cosmetics.
The entire reason we are all facing this is because of monetization.
Anyone who is giving money to blizzard for OW is encouraging this behavior to continue.
What is “fart gas” in this scenario? I’m not understanding the analogy. Are bad teammates “fart gas”? Because that’s not Blizzard’s fault
Leavers are a significant factor in what makes games unbalanced and/or unfun, so I think a small disincentive to discourage people from leaving games is appropriate and addresses the issue at hand.
WHO CARES THIS GAME IS ALREADY DEAD. It seriously doesn’t matter at this point.
Its just not dead, though?
Tell that to all the same players you see every day.
Might depend on console and place. PC East Coast I literally never meet the same people, even in Masters.
I really wish people would stop pretending people who leave matches have never played with leavers or don’t understand what it’s like to have a leaver on your team? It’s really starting to irritate me. Everybody has. Not everyone cares. I don’t. Until this debate about the penalties started on the forums I never even noticed when somebody else left my matches. The entire argument seems bizarre to me because it seems like something extremely petty and pointless to be upset about.
I want everybody to enjoy their time online and if you are not enjoying your time in a match with me I WANT YOU TO LEAVE AND HAVE FUN DOING SOMETHING ELSE. I don’t want you to sit there grinding your teeth or taking deep breaths and reminding yourself that this too shall pass. Just like I don’t want to be in a bad mood because of a video game.
But then I look around at the people who are in favor of the penalties. Salivating like damn dogs about the idea their fellow players are miserable or being punished for not having fun.
Who’s the real toxic element here?
increasing the time out penalty for CASUAL is not going to fix anything
we need better balancing in both heroes and teams
solo players SHOULD not be made to que with stacks
maps might need a look at the distance between the objective and the spawn is to far apart it feels like a walking simulator
maybe also be granted some extra exp or non premium currency to get some cosmetics for COMPLETING matches
Tone down and or remove SBMM and EOMM from the NON ranked mode
Yes and yes it is blizzards fault because they massively widened skill gaps in matchmaking for OW2.
you cant address ego.
people have been blaming everything but themselves for almost 7.5 years now. it doesnt matter if the game has any real problems, it could be flawless and people would still rage quit QP complaining about matchmaking, balance and so on.
for instance if you look back to pre role queue, people were constantly saying not having a healer or a tank was why they were losing but it didnt stop the rest of us from climbing.
then role queue gets added, and then its meta or another run at matchmaking that they complain about.
game becomes 5v5 and the cycle continues.
the people rage quitting matches are doing so because they cant handle losing.
Never seen a 4 hour ban for anyone leaving casual games anywhere else.
The best penalty is no penalty. Reward good players and keep them apart from the bad ones.
The best penalty that’s actually a penalty was done in Bleeding Edge, where you must complete a minimum of games before being able to re-earn weekly rewards. This also consisted of being placed in a leavers’ queue.
The next best that I’ve seen is in Apex. You gain progressively longer and longer penalties for repeatedly leaving matches, immediately upon leaving a match.
The 4 hour ban is quite aptly the worst I’ve ever seen, anywhere, at any time.
Matt Damon
Matt Damon