I’m suggesting you should add some data to make sense of words that vaguely talk about data without including any.
Feel free to spin the words your way, but please do so with data.
I’m suggesting you should add some data to make sense of words that vaguely talk about data without including any.
Feel free to spin the words your way, but please do so with data.
Blizzard has all the data and they concluded that OW2 is losing player engagement and told their investors.
Again: do you think they are lying when they said that? You are dodging the question.
They prefer to say that the problem is the people leaving horrible matches than the horrible matchmaking …
Is more easy for them to force people play bad matches in this horrible matachmaking full of horrible players than fix the matchmaking or try to improve the regular skill player level
The problem is people are inherently selfish, or there are enough who are, who do not care about other people or their experience and will put themselves first. Therefore there must be punitive action towards leaving or you see people leaving “90% of their games”.
I have no sympathy for you with these penalties considering I can confidently say I have not left 4 QP games early since OW2 came out let alone 4 of my last 20 or 20% of my games. The root cause of the issue is the natural human selfishness and there is no real cure for that.
If you are imaging that there will be some perfectly balanced game of QP then you are deluding yourself. It does not matter how accurate the MM is it will never happen because it cant happen because you cant know how serious someone is going to take said game of QP.
Blizzard has all the data and they concluded that OW2 is losing player engagement and told their investors.
Neato, I just provided first party data that shows what Blizzard described, with context to what it changed from.
I’m not denying a drop, I showed a drop, Blizzard said there was a drop. Blizzard did not mention stabilization at or slightly higher than OW1, which is what we also see.
You’re arguing at most a third of the full picture and have not yet attempted to refute the data that’s been presented.
Again: do you think they are lying when they said that? You are dodging the question.
If you go from 3rd to 14th, yes it fell, but it stabilized higher after spiking from OW1’s lowest points, as high (if not even slightly higher) as when OW1 was considered “peak” by the some of the playerbase.
Neato, I just provided first party data that shows what Blizzard described, with context to what it changed from.
I’m not denying a drop, I showed a drop, Blizzard said there was a drop. Blizzard did not mention stabilization at or slightly higher than OW1, which is what we also see.
Are you being deliberately dismissive of my acknowledgment of players declining or are you simply not reading everything I’ve stated?
Feels so good playing without everyone leaving games, and knowing the leavers are this upset about it only makes it so much better
This game is getting worse and worse and clearly dying… not so fast but it is dying and people like you who deny everything and want to leave everything as it is and live in denial are very funny to me.
Great, so we’re in agreement that OW2 (a separate SKU from OW1) is in decline then.
Also, there is no reason to compare a F2P title to a full priced one. Of course the F2P will have ‘more players’. The only ones that can get away with it are the CODs, GTAs etc. and as big as OW1 was in its prime, it was never as big as those.
Leavers: why is this game so miserable
Also leavers: ah, well we just lost the first team fight so this is clearly hopeless. I’m
outta here
Also leavers: why is mean ol blizzard making me backfill can’t people just stop leaving games
I remember the fanboys in deny in overwatch 1 , they first say “Is good “bad and quitters” are leaving” then after 2 months when the game was dead fanboys were like “Please people come here this is a good game come we need players” i think this is the last year to try something even microsoft is not going to help this game if is a waste of money
Great, so we’re in agreement that OW2 (a separate SKU from OW1) is in decline then.
Ah so you are being deliberately and ignorantly pedantic then.
No lol we’re not in agreement that OW2 is “in decline”, just that player numbers did decline between launch and the July meeting, which is inarguable.
I argued based on provided data we have access to now that despite the initial decline, numbers have stabilized and in some cases are rising slowly.
Where’s your data backing up further decline, because it’s certainly not represented in the data we have access to. Please post it, I’d love to have my mind changed by deductive and measurable reasoning.
Also, there is no reason to compare a F2P title to a full priced one. Of course the F2P will have ‘more players’. The only ones that can get away with it are the CODs, GTAs etc. and as big as OW1 was in its prime, it was never as big as those.
Neato, when you’re done arguing tertiary and non-contextual deflections I still want your data showing further decline, where’s that again?
Imagine supporting bandaid fixes
- Ego
- Perceived imbalance/unfairness
This is hilarious…
tell us how ego and “perceived” unfairness stands in place of: matchmaker consistently creates matches where one team completely dominates the other team 30 or 40 kills per player to less than 10 kills per player.
Please simp harder for the devs . It’s not even opinion that the matchmaking is trash and creates unwinnable, one sided games. It’s been a fact since Overwatch “2” started. You can CHOOSE to make excuses for it, but you can’t negate that it’s a fact that is shown game after game.
The quality of any game in question has never been a factor of why players leave matches, but rather a scapegoat.
Or maybe it hurts YOUR ego to think that instead of being as good as YOU think you are, maybe the matchmaking it setting you up against easy opponents for your level so your wins aren’t as amazing as you think.
Fact is you’re probably a higher level player who likes the free wins.
People who are admittedly mid-level and casual at the game just want fair matches too… it’s obvious why people like you DON’T want fair matches… as you tried to put it… your “ego”.
Improving matchmaking would decrease leavers and… you know…increase match quality. But you simp so hard you just love blizzards stupid bandaid fixes. I bet you think 5v5 is good lol.
first address WHY people are leaving.
Because they’re spoiled brats who want to be carried and leave the first 30 seconds if their team doesn’t take the point.
How does Blizzard fix that?
This is hilarious…
tell us how ego and “perceived” unfairness stands in place of: matchmaker consistently creates matches where one team completely dominates the other team 30 or 40 kills per player to less than 10 kills per player.
It’s not outside the realm of possibility. Even if the matchmaker were “perfect” people would still likely leave matches if the enemy played more as a team than just a bunch of individuals running around doing their own thing.
Just gonna keep leaving games?
Hate to be that guy and be blunt about it, but that’s a you problem, not Blizzard’s.
This is hilarious…
tell us how ego and “perceived” unfairness stands in place of: matchmaker consistently creates matches where one team completely dominates the other team 30 or 40 kills per player to less than 10 kills per player.
Players give up, adhere to countered heroes, leave, flame their teammates for their issues, and it simply compounds.
Show me a metric that suggests that stomps are a result of the matchmaker and not as a result of a player’s own action.
Or better yet, show me video evidence of routine stomps against the same players and let’s figure out definitively how a “stomp” is actually measured.
I have my theory, you have your own. Both of us have anecdotal evidence to back up our claims at best.
Please simp harder for the devs . It’s not even opinion that the matchmaking is trash and creates unwinnable, one sided games. It’s been a fact since Overwatch “2” started. You can CHOOSE to make excuses for it, but you can’t negate that it’s a fact that is shown game after game.
Neato Spagheeto, it’s been occurring well before OW2, and even at peak OW1 gameplay.
Players are far more vitriolic in their opinions these days as a result of Blizzard’s overall failed PR, but the complaints have existed beyond OW2’s short and continued lifespan.
Or maybe it hurts YOUR ego to think that instead of being as good as YOU think you are, maybe the matchmaking it setting you up against easy opponents for your level so your wins aren’t as amazing as you think.
I guess my simping is good for something. I’ll take my 57% winrate as proof of that
For real though, I know my limits. I’m not under the delusion I’m trapped at a Diamond rank (my guess based on OW1 ranks) and I’m actually T500 material. I’m good, but not as good as I used to be. I play to the best of my abilities win/loss stomp/stomped. But I don’t quit lol.
Fact is you’re probably a higher level player who likes the free wins.
People who are admittedly mid-level and casual at the game just want fair matches too… it’s obvious why people like you DON’T want fair matches… as you tried to put it… your “ego”.
What about “win/loss stomp/stomped” suggest I have an ego? I only play QP and pretty casually at that lol. At my peak I would’ve said I’m a low masters, I’m low Diamond at best now, but actually probably lower!
If the goal of the game is to win it’s not like I’m just going to let the other team have the W, and I’m going to have fun whether I win or lose lol.
Improving matchmaking would decrease leavers and… you know…increase match quality.
What does improved matchmaking look like?
The buzz word sounds good, but what does it mean?
Alongside that, leavers can also be punished for ruining matches. Improvements to matchmaking can exist alongside deterrents.
But you simp so hard you just love blizzards stupid bandaid fixes. I bet you think 5v5 is good lol.
Ouchies u huwt my fweewings
I do think 5v5 is good. It’s much easier to play the game casually than it was in 6v6 scenarios. Though 6v6 made for a great competitive challenge.
Hey look, more mutual truths lol.
So Blizzard should never attempt to solve the leaver issue unless they can 100% solve the problem indefinitely in one fell swoop?
Even if the leaver penalty only helps a tiny bit, why would you be opposed to progress? Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good
So Blizzard should never attempt to solve the leaver issue unless they can 100% solve the problem indefinitely in one fell swoop?
No, they should improve matchmaking before penalizing people for leaving.
Even if the leaver penalty only helps a tiny bit, why would you be opposed to progress?
Because it’s essentially like a movie theatre owner releasing fart gas into the theatre while people are watching a movie and then when they leave they charge them a penalty fee. MAYBE they should stop releasing fart gas into the theatre so people won’t want to leave. MAYBE blizzard should improve matchmaking so people won’t want to leave. A company that creates a problem and then penalizes it’s audience for leaving because of the problem is absolute trash company.