Just give up on this game and go outside!

It’s fun to check the forums, but I have no interest in reinstalling.

I already know what awaits me if I were to play again… bad matchmaking, leavers in every match, throwers every few matches, afkers at setup, GM 3 stacks, smurfs, bots, toxic chatters, Junkerqueen and snipers all day, losing streaks in comp all night, PUSH, recycled skins, recycled events, no PvE except for respawn simulators like Starwatch.

If you’re upset with the game, just uninstall, but do poke into the forums once in a while to remind yourself of what you’re not missing. Don’t give into another hour of frustration to chase those weeklies or your next prestige title. Don’t give into another gaming session that is antagonizing and un-fun.

Go play the many other fun games a bit, when you’re not at the beach or golfing or doing whatever it is you do when you go outside. Don’t waste the summer months chasing a game that does not exist anymore. It’s gone, and if you’re not happy playing this new version, just uninstall this dumpster fire and go outside.

Stay safe and enjoy the summer!


Thank you brother, this is what i needed to hear. I have uninstalled and installed this game to try my luck on having good matches like 10 times during ow 2. The lottery like comp system has mede me addicted to fluctuate between gm1 and top 500 and i have wasted 100h on trying to secuse my spot in 500 but, i know its useless and meaningless, i need to let it go.

I played tonight and honestly felt like it was the biggest waste of time ever. Any game right now is more fun than this. The reason? Horrible matchmaker. Actually, I think the 5v5 is the MAIN reason this game is so stupid right now. I don’t think any matchmaker could make good games out of this 5v5, it was the biggest mistake they could have made. I really wonder what Jeff Kaplan thought of the 5v5. I could tell on Day 1 that the matches snowballed extremely quick in 5v5, and then the matchmaker making games with Masters in Plat for some reason means you have ZERO shot. I don’t care what they think their MMR and stats tell them. PLAY the game and you can see that it’s hopeless.

I honestly think this game is done for, unless they do a total revert from OW2 or rush “OW3” out with a whole new… everything.

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Overwatch 3 isn’t coming. You’re stuck with this for the next few years.

The game is a complete waste of time, it is ruining your free time. Don’t ever believe it’s different and give it another try, it will suck you back in with free wins and then dump rigged matches on you. The game is using you to make stupid people money off of your free time.

This season is the worst I ever had in the entire history of OW. I somehow end up only with team mates who feed the tank and on every single game I have a dps moira on my team. I keep hoping. And hoping. But nothing good ever happens.

And yet here y’all are, writing paragraphs about a game you dont even like. I suggest you take your own advice, go outside, enjoy life, stop whine posting, it comes off as pathetic and salty.

People dont have to choose one or the other, I spent the day at a beach yesterday, came home, made dinner and then played a little OW. You can have a life and play games, its not zero sum. If you dont like OW, dont play it, not all games are for everyone, play something you enjoy.

I feel like maybe people did go outside. Its 7.30 PM in Sweden and It takes like 7 min to find a match as diamond. On a Sunday. As Support.

I remember a while back, I returned from my weekly softball game and was complaining to my girlfriend about how every game gets more aggravating because of arguments over who plays what position, who gets the heavy hitters on their side, some disagreements on close calls, and a few toxic d-bags that showed up every week. Yes, we even had leavers (like someone might leave in 7th inning so we’re stuck with just 8 players)

She listened to me as I barked it all out and she just said, “it sounds like you’re not having any fun” and that shut me down right away. After a few more weekends I just found a different group at a different park to play at.

I take that idea to video gaming. Overwatch is no longer fun. It’s just nonstop problem players and imbalanced matches leading to an awful gameplay experience. As I’m not having fun, I stopped playing. I come here again, read the forums, already know what’s out there, not reinstalling.

If it ain’t fun, do something else!

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Thank you, yeah if i play for 4h i maybe have a fun match 2 out of 10 games. In my case its really about fun. Its about ego, having top 500, thinking of myself as the best player in certain hero, the prestige of people recognizing me in top lobbies. In in procces of letting all those things go.

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Yeah probably moving from 6v6 to 5v5 revealed all the flaws in the underlying matchmaker. In addition 2-3 shields and new heroes make the balancing so hard in the long run.

You make it fun. Don’t blame things you can’t control.

From the forums, it looks like the way most players “make it fun” is by playing in a 5-stack or smurfing.

In other words, they take advantage of the matchmaker which will screw over the enemy team more than theirs and just get their fun by stomping to victory.

If being that toxic is the only way to have fun, I’d rather be at my jiu jitsu class. Peace out lazyboys.