Just confirm a hero as transgender...please 🌈

There have been requests to buff heroes or nerf heroes and those weren’t considered offensive to anybody.

Oh yes cause the chick that’s turned a dude into a living death cloud totally believes biology shouldn’t be messed with pffft


Because they want the games balance pushed forward, Esports will be watched because a game is balanced and fun, NOT because some character on the roster is LGBT.

I would love for it to be moira…but someone said she was confirmed cis…not sure if thats true.

Its needed why again???


Game balance issues are not the same thing as political/social issues.


Err, they are. Haven’t you seen the amount of triggered people when a person makes a nerf x (extremely underpowered) character post?


Well the issue you mentioned was “forced”…there is no forcing here…just requests…whether it pushes the game “forward” is subjective. Personally it would be a major forward leap for a gaming company.

Yup 76 with shoulders of football fields that make sense.

hammond is transgender.

How i the world woud this be a


i mean… u seen Caitlyn jenner?

Nothing wrong with that, I know many trans who look like 76…doesn’t matter to me, anyone human who is trans on the roster would be cool =]

Progressive times. shrugs

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But like, tracer is transgender?

And huge her shoulders yup

No, she’s bi…or something

These are political/social issues, and sensitive ones at that. Let me elaborate as clear as I possibly can,

If you ask someone for something it will put pressure on them to do it.

As is the same with a company, LGBT people constantly ask and ask for more representation, but Blizzard already said they did not want it to be forced, but natural. Constantly asking for something is indirect force.

It’s like you asking your mother for a candy bar, she says no, and you constantly asking until she gives up and does it to shut you up. It doesn’t feel good at all.


Becours its so progressive to add a toke Trans in a game.

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But like, there’s kinda no evidence of her being bi so far…