Because some characters don’t rely on their teams (very much), compared to others. Because they/we have a right to play who we want as we paid for the game.
Because sometimes you don’t need to
Because hard-counters are limited to only a few members of the cast, and with enough knowledge (skill) and awareness (also skill), you can avoid them or make them much more manageable.
That’s off-meta that you have a problem with, not my problem, not anyone else’s problem unless they share the same experiences. You don’t hate Tracer one-tricks as she CAN’T be hard-countered. You don’t hate D.Va one-tricks because it’s extremely hard to hard-counter them. You don’t hate HEALER one-tricks because you ALWAYS need at least one.
There’s this thing called muscle memory, I have three accounts. If I spend a few hours on my main account where I play every Tank, then my muscle memory for Roadhog becomes, rusty. Less reliable. Also, if you are at a rank where you meet significant opposition (every rank where an enemy is capable of at least SOME awareness and game-sense), and you swap off your one-trick hero, you will be less effective, or entirely useless.
One-Tricking is said (by some) to be unhealthy or bad for the game.
Do you know what the problem is?
The game rewards it, via the SR system.
Blizzard has openly stated that this is a bad/unhealthy mindset and that they will not change on an official statement on One-Tricking (likely due to the fact that people are already invested in it).
I know where this is going…
Well %@^!. I knew that was coming. Unfortunately for readers, I’ve been quoting each separate part of your statement and now I’m going to include MORE quotes.
The Meat of my Response
- Source:
it’s not a bannable offence - for just playing one hero, as long as you’re trying your best to win with that hero.
I mean, sometimes you’re gonna be countered, but we can’t leave it at other players’ discretion to decide what you should be doing.
- Next Source:
We believe players can choose to play any available hero during any game at any time, and that their choice of hero alone is not a behavior that should be penalized by our customer service team under any of the player report categories (including griefing, inactivity, or poor teamwork).
Players who inaccurately submit player reports in an attempt to punish someone’s hero choice are considered to be harassing or griefing their fellow player.
Your teammates can respectfully provide their opinion and suggest using a different hero for the gameplay situation that your team is experiencing, but the final decision about which hero you want to play with is yours alone.
I think that gets the point across here. My sources are provided so you can verify that it’s what they said.
So, why do people One-Trick (whether it be Meta or Off-Meta)?
- Because up until you reach Diamond, the SR system rewards it. That’s the biggest “problem.”
. - Because it’s fun for that player, “Meta” does not determine how fun something is. Some people hated Tank-Heavy comps, I loved it. Some people love Dive, I hate it.
. - You have the freedom to play what you want, as specifically stated by the Developers and other Blizzard employees.
. - You are guaranteed to improve. This is not the same for flex-players unless they have a similar skill-set. I.E. Tracer one-tricks can play McCree or Soldier, sometimes Widowmaker, and vice-versa. This is highly prevalent in the Overwatch League, notice how the DPS only play those heroes (most of the time)? Because it’s the same muscle-memory, or at least, very similar.
. - A lot of people just like Symmetra I guess, or they’re excited for the rework. OR It’s because very few people actually play Symmetra, so they gain way more SR for doing well on her (same situation with Zarya).
. - You can’t really be countered easily on some heroes, it all comes down to personal choice and how you play. A Tracer that constantly gets WAY too close (her effective range is 12 meters away, I’ve tested this for hours on end, much of it in Practice Range and Custom-Servers, it’s fact) will die a lot to Brigitte/Winston. A Roadhog One-Trick (like me, yay!) can kill or outlast all of his counters if he has good enough aim, positioning, and cooldown-management.
. - Some people are sadistic, that’s literally a factor in this. I’m not very shocked.
. - They probably just really are only interested in that one hero, and only have fun on them.
At the end of the day, it’s a game, and people will do what they want to have fun.
“Play Quick-Play or Arcade” It’s not as structured as Competitive. Personally, I -only- enjoy Competitive, and haven’t had a single person (on my team) complain about me being a One-Trick Hog. In fact, usually it’s the opposite reaction.
P.S. You can report people who throw or troll, but you cannot be considered as throwing or trolling if you ARE trying, and you’re one-tricking. If you’re trying, even if you have 2 eliminations and 20 deaths and 30 seconds objective time, you are not considered “throwing”.
This is EXACTLY why they reworked the report abilities to be specific. Game-play Sabotage = Throwing.
Overall Source: