Just a Simple Idea for EMP I never seen

Emp now have 2 waves of electromagnetic fields.

  1. Destroy shields
  2. Hack

1 will be instant. There will be a 0.5 sec term between 1 and 2
Sombra actually rise up during that time like Doomfist uppercut.

Eh, it just seems unnecessary and redundant to be honest.

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So it isnt the end of world? Then we can do it right?

No, because it’s pointless :confused:

Pointless to who? I would agree if this is a big buff for Zen and you dont want it. But it isnt nothing

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Yeah no need to buff Zen or nerf Sombra. They’re both fine even though Sombra seems to be a bit weak on the ladder

It would allow characters with abilities that would save them to better react to emp. If you have a half second delay, when you see the shield breaking pulse you can hit trance or recall or pop rally etc etc. It would actually be pretty big because using emp to get free kills on zens is one of her strongest initiations.

That sound kinda like what Doomfist ult was nerfed for…

I can see that, but a team needs to play to counter that ultimate like any other ultimate. EMP isn’t always easy to pull off on multiple targets.

Edit: Not to mention, an enemy Sombra could easily prepare a counter to this by using E to to dodge it and counter EMP. Just sounds annoying TBH.

Sure. I’m not saying if it’s good or bad for the game. I’m just saying it wouldn’t be a pointless change, if by pointless you meanT “wouldn’t do anything”.

I guess I was aiming for “It doesn’t really sound beneficial and just seems like a random change to the game”.

The counter idea sounds fun but if the second sombra use E at second wave, the first sombra is also free so can use E to escape too…so nothing much

What people fail to undertand is that Sombra is not good on ladder and even if you argue that shes good in pro play because she gets picked as an anti goats hero (which shes arguebly not, because her winrate doesnt show it)

The most and arguebly only value Sombra gets in OWL is through EMP.
If you nerf EMP and want to keep the hero balanced and viable, you have to compensate that with ridicilous buffs to the rest of her kit. At which point youre opening a new can of worms.

You trade something you consider annoying for something else annoying or potentially more than just annoying.

I think this idea is a nerf. But maybe the weakest nerf we can think.
First of all the first wave is buffed.

It has a new feature added so although it sounds stupid you can use EMP to climb floors.

The power isnt gone totally either. It is still uncounterble without a ult.

Buffs is needed anyway. But not EMP.
Maybe slight buff of lower range since it jumps