Just a reminder, nerf sombra please

No one cares about her pick rate and win rate being below average. She is a busted character that should not exist. I’d prefer if she was removed the game entirely, but I can settle for the following:

No more movement speed buff while invis.
No abilities can be used while invised.
She cannot deal damage or use abilities for 1 second after being unvised.


What a contribution, driven by hate and ignorance. Let’s just remove all of her abilities then.

no one cares that you suck against sombra… quit wasting space on these forums…

I agree with you but you’re gonna get a lot of hate OP. Sombra defenders are incapable of understanding how an invisible hero whose entire playstyle is griefing other players might be less than enjoyable to play against

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when sombra haters budge the least bit in realizing

1 she is currently the most glass-cannon-y than she has ever been

  1. she has several counterplay tactics that none of you people will even acknowledge

  2. she is the most balanced that she has ever been

  3. griefing isn’t her playstyle… if you don’t want griefers, get out of bronze. we dont disagree about griefers. sombra isn’t the issue for griefing… players are the issue, and lightweaver is a worse griefer than sombra as he lifegrips teammates back into spawn on cooldown to throw the game…

until those things are realised, yes, you will be bashing your head against a brick wall because we won’t budge either.

People are just saying they find her annoying and you’re in here arguing against people’s subjective sense of enjoyment. Very weird


because not once has anyone looked at the tactics for her counterplay had a reply of something other than the effect of “that’s ridiculous” and instead continue Complaining on the forums trying to demand she get deleted… as long as that is the standard reply… no, there is no understanding here either.

Man, everyone knows the counterplay. You’re not breaking any news by telling people to “group up” or whatever. Even if you win the game and counterplay Sombra perfectly, she’s still extremely annoying for a lot of people to play against and made that game miserable. The problem is not that people don’t know how to play against her, but even when you play perfectly against her and negate her value, it’s not a fun experience.

If you wanted to argue Sombra isn’t overpowered, that’s fine and there’s an argument to be had there. But continually trying to convince people that ACTUALLY they ARE having fun playing against Sombra is pointless because it’s 100% subjective.

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its not about powerlevel its about how neurotic she makes people feel when they want to play a fun videogame

the combination of hack, burst damage and invisibility, even if its undertuned, is just terribad

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show me where i have ever made the argument against an individuals fun? every comment i have made has been to adress her being broken, or ruining the game, and then offering realistic solutions, because the go to expectation is very unrealistic.

I dont understand how Blizzard think sombra is balanced :thinking: ive had many ruined games because they spawn camp and do so much damage

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I’d revert the trash rework back to when she actually needed skill; and not free afk elims

Literally would make the game better.

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she is fine
stop crying

you hated translocator
they change it

you hated the bonus damage
they remove it

so pls get good

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