Junkrat's primary fire nerf destroyed his unique role without raising his skill ceiling

So are you saying that because a hero has a counter, they aren’t broken? In that case defend all the other legit complaints about heros. They can be countered too so if this is a moot point then so are the others simply because “they can be countered”.

He never said that. Now if you’d hurry along now, this thread isn’t for Junkrat haters like you.

Plus all the heroes that have complaints right now have stuns. (Brigitte and Doomfist). After this PTR patch goes live, it’ll be someone else.

Personally I only had a problem with Doomfist, but he was rarely used either way.


And true to the description blizzard community that xQc mentioned…

And who is xQc? Most toxic player in Overwatch? Banned multiple times? Rages too easily? Really, you’d trust his opinion over the ones who aren’t always in such a bad mood.


I would love to see Junkrat become a more high skill cap hero. But then I would love to see the same for all heroes.

Literally never said that.

I do tend to ignore player who clearly have no clue what their talking about though.


Enough with that fallacy. Junkrat takes skill, and that’s not to be argued. It takes a different kind of skill, that many people don’t understand (Not your visible hitscan aim kind of skill).

Mind explaining how people get to GM/top 500 with junkrat if it’s not skill? I’ll give you examples of it:

Landing consistently direct shots is skill.
Landing airshots is skill.
Predicting where your enemy will move/blink and punish it, is skill.
Chaining your shots is skill.
Learning how to use your mines to balance and optimise your movement/escapability with your kill potential is skill.
surviving with a hero that has only one mobility skill and a large head critbox when he is more effective at close range definitely takes skill

No one goes far with blind spam. If you can’t understand that and believe that the only skill is raw hitscan aim, thats on you.

My rant was aimed to give credit to junkrat players who managed to get diamond and above (and to other junkrats too). They are skilled and don’t deserve to get discredited by ignorant people.

Oh and for the topic, a revert of the primary and a rip tire charge nerf will bring rat to perfect spot.


Really lol. This community is awful. I said my piece and instead of having a legit conversation, kids immediately went to, you are only gold, you can go away and blah blah. This isn’t a thread about actual issues wanting to be discussed, it’s about finding like minded sheep or GTFO lol.

Toxic player? You do realize there is a block function right?

Honestly it might help if we had a proper training room. There is a reason Tf2 was able to produce god tier rocket jump and sticky jump players; the community had proper training maps.

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junkrat design has both clear strength and weaknesses, as well as being in the position of both counterable in heroes and playstyle. That you think it’s bad is also subjective in your opinion.

Or as you would like to put, not all of us drank the other koolaid that Junkrat is a broken design hero. By far, he’s actually right in the middle of being balanced really close.

He’s fair in that if you land those shots, you get reward, but at the same time, absolutely nullified if you know how to play around it.

A broken design hero would be so OP, that not only can it creates meta and is a must run, but also one that makes other future hero design specifically to counter them.


Your opinion is that, Junkrat is a bad designed hero. That favors luck

In my opinion, he isn’t since a lot of his ‘luck’ can simply be circumvented with proper and perhaps, basic play.

Other games also have explosives weapons, and not many of the people there are complaining about it. More so when OW is both a hybrid of hero/FPS shooters similarly to a MOBA. Elements of AOE is often there (I would actually say tanks like Winston are also bad design, if we go by your logic then.).

But, your attitude and replies so far isn’t exactly giving a good impression TBH.


Junkrat is literally the demo man from TF2. An amazingly well crafted and balanced game that basically defined the genre. With that in mind, I find it hard to believe that his core design is bad, balance notwithstanding


Yes and no. I would actually argue that a good Demoman player is far more mobile and dangerous than Junkrat. But it requires practice. Junkrat does not have the same kind of mobility skill ceiling.


Demoman to a degree has a vastly better option with his primary and loadouts since he has plenty of choices of weapons.

Thats also not getting that Demo has better toolkits as well.


It’s only mindless at low ranks. Try playing him (and winning) in Masters+. When people stop brainlessly walking into lines of spam and learn to aim, it’s actually difficult getting kills with the worst weapon in the game.

People who complain about Junk act like the whole match takes place in a choke. How do you think he hits shots for the other 70%+ of the time when people are in the open and he can’t spam? Even with insane prediction, half the cast can block or ability-dodge his shots and the other half can see them coming and take one step to the left.

If you die to Junkrat on live right now, it’s either because Junkrat hit a crazy shot or because you walked straight into a bright glowing red ball of death. Anyone making the slightest effort can hard-counter him. Go Tracer. Go Pharah. He can’t even hit you. Why complain about an F-tier hero? If he was “broken” a rational person might think…y’know…he’d actually win?


The point isn’t that they play the same or have the same options. The point is that Junk’s core design is literally just the demo man’s


I’ve only got 77 hours as JR and can confirm he did not need the nerf, if you get killed by slow moving brightly colored balls then maybe that’s on you? If you look at him hard enough or say something mean enough in chat then he dies instantly.


short of cutting his mag in half, I’d have to disagree.

I am so glad the spamrat meta ended ages ago. I was getting really tired of losing games over being solo ulted and having to spawn camp junkrat players because they would do this constantly and it would actually work for them just because the hero is so dumb.

You would have all of these Junkrat one tricks on your team and you basically just instalost if you didn’t feel like playing Soldier, McCree or Widow because they were completely useless, thought they were amazing when they reset an entire team and would wonder why they finally overpowered us when I’d been staggering them the whole game.

I would literally rather have the moth meta back than a spamrat meta. It was so ridiculous. Leave the game on this build to appease Forum Brigittes and nerf RIP-Tire for all I care, I’d rather be getting chased by a Mercy main that can’t kill me than randomly recalling into bombs or blinking into traps during teamfights and getting solo ulted half the time a Junkrat uses ult.

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Then these changes go through and Zarya is even higher charge and tire doesnt kill tanks in most cases so what are these changes actually going to do?

Just wanted to point out that even current sym’s secondary is reactable and easy to dodge from anywhere outside of point blank range.