•Junkrat Nerfs - Where Are We Going?•

Psst… its a sphere in a 3 dimensional game… You calculate spherical volume.
I know you mean well, but flawed math is flawed math. Thanks though!


That nerf often just made it feel random instead of consistent.
Yeah, Junk doesn’t have as many fans on here as Mercy, but he still has a decent amount of popularity.

Maybe at higher tiers it is easy to destroy. At lower tiers, it is hard trying to hit that thing. Almost a low-health Tracer (not as bad, but you get the point). And with that high jump, he can do some pretty sneaky strikes.

Agree. I’m not sure what they could’ve done to encourage better aiming other than something like lower fire rate (so he cannot fill a corridor with frags as easily).

Yeah, it wasn’t too bad (and like I said above, it is a bugger to hit at lower tiers). However, he can still output a pretty high volume of Tyres pretty easily.

The tricky part with Junkrat is that he is pretty strong in lower tiers where co-ordination, aim, and map skills are low, which when applied (such as higher tiers) make him fairly weak. Nerf him further, and he is unlikely to be viable at higher tiers. He needs some sort of power transfer.

WILDLY inconsistent. Junkrat fights latency the most out of any character. He doesn’t seem to get Favor the Shooter since he’s not hitscan and they need to give the enemy a chance to dodge an incoming shot with the servers physics update tick.

We should never NEVER be balancing to the lowest tier of play, you should always be making sure that a kit has some kind of constraints that levels them all out by the time they are in the highest tier. There was a time when Mercy and Ana were almost equal picks in GM before a certain update… Mercy was WAYYYY more picked as you slid back to bronze, but as it leveled out it was easier to swap out chars.

And its 4.3 kills, woo? JR’s just needed to hold off for better picks/combos. Again, it really only hurts the higher tier play though.

I warned way back that any change to junkrat could push him too far, he was actually a well balanced kit, but a FRAGILE balance, more than someone like tracer who’s overpowered with no real constraints once you figure out that she breaks favor the shooter with her cool-downs and takes advantage of favor the shooter with her body spray making it easiest for her to land very very reliable chip damage with a low crit count, and then MASSIVE burst damage up close.

Junkrat however, any slight change without testing was going to make him overpowered, or nerf him into the ground. The double mine was GREAT, but they should have dropped the damage to 80, not given it falloff. You cant give an already inconsistent primary fire a horribly inconsistent secondary fire.


Agreed, but sadly it’s the typical way the Overwatch team seems to ‘balance’ heroes sometimes. Sometimes a slight nerf, then later on a sledgehammer of nerfs. Sometimes not even a slight nerf. To top that off, generally not what the forum discusses the most. For example, Tracer’s pulse bomb damage instead of recall, blinks or pistol damage falloff.

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Honestly double mine didn’t work for me at all. I used to try to do that to Genji but it either got deflected at me because of an insanely big deflect hitbox, or I didn’t even get to hit him with the second one because the first one blasted him away. Same with other heroes, they always got blasted away.


A fast-moving sphere makes contact with you if the largest perpendicular cross-cut circle does. That’s to say, if the thickest section would hit you the sphere hits, otherwise it doesn’t. The area estimation is accurate enough, and certainly comparing volumes is not the way to go, as hollow spheres are just as likely to hit as solid ones.

Entirely another thing is that a 55% reduction in surface area doesn’t translate into hit chance being reduced by 55%.

i really dont think they know what there doing with the rat at this point the new changes encourages spam over aim

high ranked junkrat players who lead there shots will now have a harder time doing so while silver junkrat players wont be affected

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2d area doesnt account properly for the fact that you are coming into contact at any angle and any vector. Its 3d volume or bust. Case in point, raycasts are swept with cylinders, so their radius changes entirely differently, but as long as their length didnt change you could comparatively show just the radius as a reduction.
Though even then, at an angle the tangental intersection is KINDA different. But thats slightly less of an issue.

I see what you mean but I’d argue against this because certain angles are more probable than others, namely when a bomb is fired directly at someone. Then the bombs behave more like cannonballs that leave a hole in a wall. The size of the hole depends on the projectile cross-section perpendicular to the wall, and anything within the area is hit, everything outside it is missed.

Year 2022
Feb 32
patch noutes
Size of Junkrat’s explosive meatballs hitbox decreased to 0
Amound of Concussion Mines increaced from 419 to 420
Steel Trap’s size now same as Winston’s barier
RIP-Tire now moving only backwards

Total Mayhem, now drops small medkits istead of explosive meatballs

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Honestly , I would have decreased the hitbox but increased the explosion raduis. That way you still have a chance to hit them.

Man look at my thread and you get an idea of what will happen if you go by the community. Nothing! People were more upset about the Tracer Nerf.

Might as well switch to Hanzo, if you are going to have to aim so carefully. New Hanzo looks pretty good with even more scary corner spam and leap to help with annoying close range enemies.

Looks like your experience is way different than mine with your teams.

The nerf is justified, sorry buddy.

I don’t know, it feels like they’re mostly raising the skill floor. Junkrat is OP by just spamming against people who lack game sense. He’s a noob checker.

I personally find his attacks easy to avoid and when I play as him, I feel like there are sufficient ways for the enemy to counter me. These nerfs don’t seem like the end of the world.

EX: the mine falloff nerf, TBH I didn’t even notice it. I still secure kills at about the same rate and genuinely don’t understand what people were doing before.

Basically it seems like spamrat has been getting moderate nerfs, aimrat has been getting minor nerfs.

Quite the opposite. Spamrat was always going to spam, and in his normal skill tiers, he’s dealing with the less aware individuals of the game, they are going to get hit, they are going to actively walk into fire, because awareness is one of the most underrated and underutilized skills in this game.

Aimrat however is actively fighting latency, a slower physics update tick that has to be iterated on the server side, basically gets no “favor the shooter”, and occasionally on explosion just registers Zero… thats an abysmal state for a character as is, and now even their lead shots, are somehow going to have to be more accurate. Junkrat LITERALLY CANT AIM AT A MOVING TARGET, he has to aim well ahead of it, WELL AHEAD OF IT. Any variance of motion can happen between that shot exiting the barrel, and the target deciding to strafe a bit more back or forward throwing everything off.

if only the OP could bump more then once

Yeah, I’m all for extending his ult charge so it goes off less often. Making him more inconsistent and saying “well he has to aim betterz!!1” (<official bliz statement).

I wish they had never buffed him. It brought too much attention to him and made him popular but at that point his kit was OP. He was great before but he just had a low pick rate. All he really needed before the buff was a faster tire movement speed.

Ah. thanks SPGG.

He NEEDED the mobility.
all they had to do is drop mines to 80flat.

Actually, yes you can. Especially characters like Tracer and Genji. So can Doomfist. Along with Moira. Basically those with altering movement abilities or ones that can jump a bit higher then the rest.

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