•Junkrat Nerfs - Where Are We Going?•

Sphericaly speaking, 1/3 radius reduction reduced it to 1/3 its total area… Its a 3 dimensional object, it has volume.


Yup. Because the further away you move from an object, the “empty space” around that object is much larger in comparison to the “empty space” closer to the object.

Show us the list, or even the forum post by Blizzard, stating “DVa is a mandatory hero.” I want to see this.

We all need to be made aware of the rules of this game, and if any specific hero is a “Mandatory pick hero” per Blizzard, it’s important we all know of them, so we’re playing within the rules of the game.

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Junkrat Mains: We understand Inverse Square Law.

Now someone at level 3 post that picture of Junkrat doing geometry processing.



You are a saint. Thank you, Matsy.

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I think it needed to be harder for him to hit people regardless of whether he was spamming or intentionally targeting someone because of how quickly his ult charges. It’s pretty common right now, even after the mine damage nerf, for there to be a rip tire for every single team fight. Less hits=less tires.

I also feel like there are a lot of times that I catch a random Junk grenade that bounced somewhere other than where he intended, which isn’t great. I’m most excited about the prospect of not being hit by every grenade fired near a choke point.

The answer was to increase his ult charge which rat mains seemed to be over-all happy enough to accept.
Not make him more inconsistent.


I’m guessing there’s some poorly considered logic behind the scenes, like, ‘all flankers are fixed and countered with the recent changes [which I don’t agree with] so Junkrat doesn’t need to reliably hit targets anymore.’

The only issue I had was how fast the ultimate built versus tanky/slow compositions. Not fixed by these changes. If anything, makes it worse by ensuring Junkrat is only effective against slow compositions that are already low pickrate.

I’ve been wanting a charge rate decrease for him for a long time, but I’m ok with this, too, because it kills two birds with one stone. I don’t like being hit by random spam and I don’t like tires at all, so this cuts down on both of those.

Dont stand in the spam.
Take a different route
etc etc

Spam only works if YOU let it work.

No one complained about Junkrat until the mine buff, he was F tier from beta till then. There is no reason to decrease his damage potential (apart from his ult charge). He’s hard countered by many heroes specially the popular Dva who renders him largly useless.


Obviously, I don’t choose to stand in it. More often than not, it’s a random bounce around a corner or something that I had no opportunity to see before it hit me or that he fired from somewhere he’s not visible. The point is, it’s too easy for him to get unintentional kills. That’s what I think should change.

That’s a good point.

Or at a minimum, if we think of the cross-section.

Whats to say it was unintentional?
You think rat’s are just bouncing grenades around corners without thinking about it?
They know you are there (or guessing you are there), so they INTENTIONALLY bounce them to hit you/block your path.

You can say they shouldn’t be able to bounce around corners etc that’s fine (but its a different issue) but don’t say its not intentional.

The whole spam without thinking argument falls flat most the time as the “spam” is intentionally done to block paths/catch the enemy off guard. Its on the enemy to react in the best way.

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Ohhh lordy lets break this one down real fast.

It already is, its the slowest projectile in the game and arguably the only one that requires a latent physics tick on the server to process…

Which is what was trying to be " corrected" by both of his mine and grenade nerfs, undert the assumption that :

  • Junkrat isnt aiming
  • Junkrat has an easy time hitting anyone

    When its actually the inverse - Junkrat deals unreliable burst damage, leaving most people ALIVE after a hit. If you dont believe me, calculate out how much damage junkrat has to put out, to get 1 kill, and measure that against the rest of the roster. I did it in the past, and it was laughable how inefficient he was at being able to murder the opposing team.

    And again, Slow physics projectile, means he has to aim ahead of wherever anyone is going by a WIDE margin that increases over distance. He literally cant aim AT anyone who isnt running directly towards, or away from him. So all reducing his projectile does, is hurt the junkrats who are actualy trying to get leading shots. Dead on frontal assaults will be unmitigated, and so will spam, because people are just as unaware as they always have been.

    … Just raise his ult cost. He only kills 4.3 people a game with his ult. Genji does more and he gets his less.

    Oh lordy… look. Junkrat “spam” is supressive fire, its not meant to be acurate, and its only meant to catch people off guard who arent paying attention. Junkrat is having to go off of a " best guess’ Scenario, where he has to assume he knows where people are going to be, and try to flush them out * assuming they are aware of their surroundings and actively try to avoid being hit* … you cant blame Junkrat for getting a kill when its all up to you, his enemy, to keep an ear, or an eye out , for slow moving brightly colored red balls of pain.

    When I die to a Junkrat, I blame myself. I dont consider that junkrat a “noob”, I clearly wasn’t paying attention, and Im a Junkrat main, so i KNOW i should be paying attention. We’re just expecting other people to do the same instead of demand nerfs.

    To think of it, maybe THATS why Junkrat always tells his team he has a feeling the enemy has a shield generator… he’s the one who HAS to be situationaly aware at all times…


    Calcualte for sphere, its even more drastic.

    I think the end goal of this is to dump Junkrat in F tier. I think they’re either decided they don’t want him in OWL ever, or they want to hand the meta over to Brigitte 100% for a while. If the second one is the case, we’ll see like six months of Brig dominance after which the devs will go “Whoops, guess we messed up! Here’s a viable Junkrat back and we’ll dumpster Brig now.”

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    I’m not really sure why you adopted the condescending tone. It made it pretty hard to take the rest of your post seriously. That said, most of what you’ve just said only makes sense on paper and not in practicality.

    Realistically, Junkrat is either randomly firing in the general direction of the enemy team or specifically trying to lock down a particular path. He doesn’t need reliable damage to accomplish either of these and giving it to him would make him OP as hell, which is why his mine damage got nerfed because that was exactly the situation he was put in before they finally implemented the falloff damage.

    They’re making the changes, so the developers obviously believe that it needs to be harder for him to damage people. That should say something about his intended role being that they’re the ones who made him. He’ll serve his intended function without being oppressive in unskilled hands now. That’s a good thing in my book.

    The " oh lordy" was a bit much wasn’t it… last time i try to add character to a post. Sorry, that wasn’t the intention. I was trying to indicate frustration with these continuing myths on how Junkrat actually works and a lot of the feelings that get put into peoples observations on how him getting a kill is somehow unwarranted.

    I have to point out that you’ve used " randomly" as though Junkrats aren’t doing something intentional. In lower tier games, im sure thats the case for many, but I’m talking from Plat-Diamond-M-GM levels… I must point out that suppressive fire is meant to keep the enemy on their toes. Its all quite intentional… Hitting someone is a bonus, the real job is to make sure the enemy doesnt ball up and try to keep them off balance wile your team does work.

    The less reliable his damage, the less people have to worry about said suppression… Its pretty hand in hand there… Making him unreliable with MINE however, meant that he couldnt keep people away up close, and that’s a serious problem when your main counters need to be affraid of being right up next to you. They already have an advantage up to 15 meters, which to humans looks like 15 feet… game units are wierd…

    And the changes the devs are making do not seem to be based on mid to higher tier data. Wile junkrat is already 1-3% pick rate, hes fallen below what the ideal average pickrate would be in this game, 4%. These adjustments are meant to slow down his use in lower tiers, but all they are doing is hurting him even further in higher tier play. It ENCOURAGES Spam players, not people who have to lead shots.

    Ultimately, Dying to junkrat feels bad I think, because a lot of people never want to admit, they werent paying attention. And Im sorry if that tone came off as condescending.


    Incidentally, if they wanted 1/3 less area, they should have gone with .25 radius.