Junkrat needs to be nerfed

Just say you’re not good at the game and go. Junkrat is not hard to fight.

Junkrat stubs his toe running and dies, lol. Who runs into choke and rooms knowing a junkrat is on the other side???

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Sym isn’t the center of the world. She’s one of 32 charchters.

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Junkrat needs a buff, not a nerf. His mines are way too weak and have far too little a blast radius, his tire is paper thin with a small blast radius and inconsistent damage, and his grenades are both avoidable if you pay attention and don’t stand still or walk into them as well as have inconsistent damage.

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How does a widow main not love Junkrat in the enemy? Junkrat vs widow is basically throwing

I can’t believe you think tire has a small radius? Pulse bomb has a small radius, tire is like a bloody moon.

More often than not people who should get hit by the tire aren’t hit by the tire. Its radius is as inconsistent as its damage output.

Who the hell have problem with Junkrat with Baptiste in meta, hitscans in meta and zarya around each single match?

Just add Sigma to the possible counters.

also you play widow a lot bro… he should be easy pick for you o.O

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Let’s be friends then lmaoo

And here I am waiting for Remote Bombs to be buffed…I want to set traps dammit

What’s your discord?

Sorry for late reply . My discord is BishDaTurtle#0920

Added lmao

OP has almost 1,200 hours on Widow and says Junkrat does to much damage.

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The devs should make it so that when he ults he travels on his tire. if he dies the tire either automatically explodes or breaks. This change would make Junk’s ult much more fun for traveling and escaping at the same time nerf the ult.

They should maybe reduce ammo capacity or fire rate to combat choke point spamming.

Necromancer! Be gone!


Mercy. Please. You are the one who rez’d me back to life.

why are you digging my grave