Junkrat needs to be nerfed

the thing is … he never was F tier … he was just fine … but nearly nobody played him so blizz decided he needs buff … now hes crushing with his idiotic oneshot tank combos instakilling multiple ppl in short succesion cause he has double mines for whatever reason … but thats you not realising he was perfectly fine back then

He WAS F tier
If he wasn’t then why is it he was considered a THROW HERO?
No one played him since if you tried to your team would almost always ask why you were throwing!

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no … i dont know where you were at that time … but whenever someone picked him he was usually doing just fine … cause he was played by players who knew what they are doing … sure sometimes ppl asked him to swtich but that was when he was feeding zarya or when he just wasnt doing it … nobody flamed him right after he got picked …

he was just fine back then … just as mercy is just fine right now … ppl were crying she got overnerfed right after the nerf … it just made other healers viable too and unmade the mercy mustpick …

You are hopeless if you don’t think Junkrat was considered F tier by 95% of the community prebuff

Bye bye

then how come that F hero by simply adding one more mine is now getting so much play and oneshots so much ? oh wait he could do that just fine but now he can do it twice in two seconds … or if somehow you manage to miss your mine you get a second chance … surely its just an F tier hero with another mine right ?

Junkrat is fine, he’s now acting like a gate keeper and sieve in testing people awareness. He still has tons of counters and can be controlled as well, that’s why he isn’t seeing much action in terms of pickrate after Plat.

Perhaps a little more practice, awareness and caution when entering his strongest area, aka, close quarters would reduce your death.


His mine damage did get nerfed but his overall damage with his grenades are still the same. I have a diamond account where I did play Junkrat and killed a lot and it was a fairly easy win. I also have around 50 hours on him on my main account, 3rd most played for me so I do aim my projectiles and keep a solid 30-45% accuracy, weird I know? Who aims on Junkrat anyways! lol

I will tell you this, a good Pharah, Tracer, Rein, Winston, and Genji can counter him no issue. I’ve done this plenty of times when I run those tanks and Pharah. I would also recommend watch his projectiles being spammed at you and your team, they can be avoided. The reason he seems so strong is because of the tight spots teams tend to clump together in and he is able to get a early tire off.

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Love it how some people in this say Hanzo and widowmaker do good against junkrat. Well let me see… maybe because they stay at a far distance, oh and also Hanzo and widow do good against ANY SQUISHY, literally she can one tap someone in the head. And we had a 6 stack and we just got absolutely destroyed against a duo q on the other team that instant locked junkrat and sombra, hmmm talk about meta slaves, two characters that are OP and very simple to play.

Dva can shut him down fairy well. She can matrix all of his abilities and is able to get to high ground above him with ease.

Sombra also shuts down everything but his LMB.

Zarya gets much stronger when there is an JR in the other team since he can’t control his lobbed mines and she can grind the damage for charge.

Moira can damage him outside of his effective range and has a good escape ability against him.

Basically he has more viability now but he isn’t unbeatable. Learn how to outplay him, his abilities have limitations and you just have to exploit them.

Ok so I am a DPS player, but I also Fill. So all the hero’s you named off weren’t even a Dps (besides sombra, but she op now so it makes sense she can kill him). Junkrat just needs a big nerf period. Ok so there are two things Dps characters have, either large amounts of damage or can escape easily. Junkrat has both of those to the max. When junkrat gets his ultimate in seconds there’s a problem, when he wipes out anyone trying to kill him at the same time he tries to get away there’s a problem. And when his ultimate is usually a free kill every single time there’s a problem.

Mcree, Soldier, Hanzo, Widow, Mei, Torb, Pharah And Genji can all fire at him from outside of the range of his mines. Also when he tries to escape he launches himself into the air which makes him a sitting duck for every hitscan character. You can kill him with very little effort as a hitscan at this point because he moves Ina predictable arc. If you are dying to his mines it means you have gotten to close to him.

You have to respect his effective range. He was designed to deny space and that is what he does.

If you can’t kill a junkrat at range then you shouldn’t be playing DPS. If he is lobbing grenades from around a corner then don’t go around the corner and take a different path. If he is on the low ground then take the high ground. Its really not that hard.


I agree I can play Junkrat and get 2-3+ kills per fight, he is too strong.

How about a mid-master? I think Junk could use some tuning. And Genji is not a strong pick against Junk. Also Tracer isn’t OP.

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Moria is far from a difficult hero to play. Any idiot can play her.


sure dva can eat his stuff … buut if you dont kill him while shes matrixing him … then dva basically just wasted matrix - soft coutner at best

sombra basically soft counters everything with few exeptions

zarya surely can get stronger from his spam … but he can also burn trough her and her barier as well … so another softcounter

moira doesent have longer range than junk what are you smoking ? i want some of that stuff … not to mention she can easily die to his random corner spam or stuff like that …

also i never said he is unbeatable … hes just pretty hard to deal with … he just basically burns tanks as fast as reaper - if not even faster with his double mine spam … exept he doesent need to be literaly in their face to do so …

he doesent need big nerf … just take away his bonus mine that he got so he gets to see some play … hes played now he doesent actually need the double minies - surely its nice to oneshot 2 ppl in 2 seconds or burn tank really fast but its just not good balance …

another thing i dont understand is why does his basic attack need to bounce around for so long ? and why does it knock so much ?

never said shes difficult … i said she needs to use brain more than junk … with moira you overextend you die … with junk youre sitting behind 3 walls spamming getting kills - or at the very least youre getting ult charge for free

Nope, he isn’t balanced at all. His ultimate is too powerful. They gotta at least increase the ultimate charge so that junkrat won’t have his ultimate every 30 second.

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Make up your mind in your first post it’s “I don’t like Junkrat” “I don’t practice him” then this post it’s “I do play Junkrat, sometimes” lol
You claim you destroy the enemy when you play him, looking at both qp and comp Junkrat stats you are just another avg Junkrat that thinks he is god with him when he uses him when really he isn’t.


Yeah, these guys are a joke if i ever played against them if they tried to Junkrat against me they’d get crushed
Because I know how to play Junkrat whileas they only know how to spam the same spot and they have to finish off with Conc mine 99% of the time since can’t hit Jackshiet with his primary

Yeah exactly average junkrat destroying the enemy team. Hmmm that literally just proves my point. You don’t even have to be good at junkrat to destroy the team