No buffs on the mid-season patch, but things with higher pickrate/winrates across all ranks gets buffed.
Must be a sin to be a Junkrat main fr.
EDIT: also 2500th post/comment peepoHappy
No buffs on the mid-season patch, but things with higher pickrate/winrates across all ranks gets buffed.
Must be a sin to be a Junkrat main fr.
EDIT: also 2500th post/comment peepoHappy
Junkrat needs that two hit combo back
It’s a
It’s a
It’s a sin!
All I have to say as well honestly.
Yeah Aqua summed it up. There’s nothing more to be said.
Although it is nice to see Junk mains finally complaining when he clearly needs serious help. Now if only the other streamers would do it too…
I give up, Echo’s it this season for me lmaoo.
Man all i read is posts asking for the lowest skill floor most cancer hero’s to be buffed. What is the average rank on these forums like low gold?
Elitist take. Aim isn’t the only metric for skill.
Junk has a lower winrate in bronze than Tracer.
More than 80% of players are what high skilled people would consider bad if you look at the game’s rank distribution. Assuming it’s a similar spread for the forum then that means 8 out of 10 users posting are not very good at the game. Why should Masters, Grandmasters, and Champions players opinions matter more though?
And we also want a nerf to spam.
But everyone just reads “buff” when we talk about it.
I’m convinced they just have no idea what to do with him.
Get to a rank that matters first.
Higher than your rank apparently lmao
P.S., Most of the Rat mains who frequent the forums, are higher ranked than gold. With Myself and Toast being Masters and GM respectively. Ypi dont het there on Junk playing him at his skill floor, which you dont seem to understand isn’t the same as his skill ceiling.
P.P.S. Of us Rats on the forums, and others putside the forums, the overwhelming majority of us WANT HIS LOW SKILL SPAM PLAYSTYLE NERFED and to be rewarded for his more skillful playstyles that is called being able to consistently hit direct shots
Instead, the continue to do the opposite by making spam the only semi-viable playstyle while completely gutting his direct hit playstyles, with changes that show, just like you, they have absolutely 0 understanding if Junkrar above a silver level of gameplay.
Because they understand that if you buff Hero’s like Junkrat Sym Bastion Torb to be top tier in GM or Pro level then what happens is they actually completely dominate and ruin lower ranks.
We have seen this time and time again which is why it is better that the harder hero’s are S tier.
No GM Junk main even wants him to be top tier. We want him to be playable. B or even C tier will do.
If you struggle with Junk in any rank right now you’re awful. I’m sorry to be rude but it’s true. He’s unplayable levels of bad right now.
Only if they do it in the wrong way. if they give him his combo back at the max end of his damage against 250s (when it was actually +30 against 200s before the patch) that wouldn’t make him broken in any rank. He’s easier to hit, easier to punish out of position. It would be fine.
I’m sorry, hitscans are usually better picks and much more easy picks in modern gaming since most gamers are accustomed to FPSes usually speaking of.
Currently speaking, heroes that shouldn’t be good in specific ranks are outdoing heroes who are SUPPOSED to be “easier to pick up”.
And you know what’s worse? He’s underperforming even at the lowest ranks, usually an environment he was a top 3 pick. He doesn’t exist in high ranks at all.
He is actually very strong and a good Junk is absolute cancer to play against.
Junkrat has been meta before so has Bastion Torb and Sym and these were the worst Metas we ever had.
You understand a small balance to Junkrat can make him an absolute monster, he still has insane mobility does a ton of damage and has one of the better DPS ults what exactly is all the crying about?
Send me to that alternate reality, because I’d rather be there.
Bronze/Silver take or hasn’t played since double-mines no falloff take.
Junkrat is currently a throw. Never has been meta a single time, almost did, but never happened.
Like I said I’m sorry to be rude but this is straight up delusional. He’s awful and unplayable. Just because some players are getting gapped by Junk mains who have dropped 1000 sr doesn’t mean he’s ok. It means those players are severely underranked and now stomping on bad players.