JunkerQueen, Sojourn Abilities, and Clan Leaks - Discuss

Ok. So, what Role would Junker Queen be to you, and when Clans/Guilds are released, do you think Clan/Guild wars would become a new thing in Overwatch?

Do you think guilds would have ratings or would that breed toxicity?

prob a tank. she seems more of a tank that leads


That is thing right? She could easily scream DAMAGE because she is skinny and has an axe, but knowing Overwatch, you can make a Hamster a tank and it makes sense.

So ya, I can easily see her being a tank and god knows we need more.

its mainly because tanks have a huge hitbox so it would kinda be unfair unless junkerqueen was in like some sort of large armor suit or a mech


Not necessarily. You can have a skinny tank if that tank is squishy to compensate for it’s model but the hero uses deployable abilities for tanking.

Maybe shields, maybe temp shields, or perhaps she generates shields by being aggressive similar to doomfist but is a terrible tank if exposed and far away from the enemy team. Kind of like Rein. Rein is better when he is close up but not great when far away or exposed for too long.


Can’t watch, I’ve seen Clans leaked, where did Junkerqueen get leaked?

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Most likely a tank. Although I was looking forward to a support junker. But okay. She’s probably a tank.

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In one of the Demos they showed at Blizzcon while showing us one of the new Enemies. Her Arms and Axe models are hanging on the wall.

I think they did this on purpose but you never know.

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Ooooh sweet 20characters

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I’m think she’ll be a tank who’s tall and skinny, but have scrap armour to inflate the size of her hit box. For weapon it’s looking like an axe, but I’m curious if it’ll really be another melee character. She could throw axes or something, but that might feel a little silly.


I’m disappointed that they can’t just leave a tertiary character as just that.

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Giving my thoughts now that I know she is probably coming, Junkerqueen will probably be a Damage hero. It’s inevitable.

I’m sure Blizz aren’t that stupid to release more than 2 DPS (Sojourn and Junkerqueen). There’s over 5 new heroes coming after all. I don’t think it’ll be all that bad to have 2 dps alongside 3+ supports and tanks,

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NAw no way. Throwing axes would be a cool ability.

But, I’ll pump your concept up a notch. How about… a single Axe that can swing OR be thrown like a massive boomerang and it comes back, damageing every enemy it goes through? :slight_smile:

For every enemy hit generates shields for her or maybe energy for her to spend on a tank ability.

Now that I love. A weaker then Reinhardt melee weapon, but the alt fire is an boomerang throw would be awesome for an Australian character. I couldn’t see her being a barrier tank, but maybe when she hits people they drop “scrap” she can pick up to heal her armour, or has a magnet style ability where she can suck in all the scrap that’s dropped to her on cooldown.

I’m sure Blizzard will come up with something fun anyway. They’ve probably had ability ideas since they first teased her.

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There are plenty of characters that we know that aren’t playable


Exactly. Like Jetpack cat. oops, I did not mean to leak that. Too soon?

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Possible unpopular opinion, but I’d kind of love it if JunkerQueen was a support of some type. I know unlikely, but I’d still think it’d be neat to have a Junker in all three roles.


Meh. :man_shrugging:

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thats the main problem, she isn’t, tho to be fair she does kinda run a big mech fighting arena so she could very easily get access to one


Omg… You just probably figured out a massive missing piece, literally.

I wonder if the reason why they only had her Arms and Axe on the wall was because her main body is in some kind of skinny mech and it’s not finished? I mean, I could say that about her body model in general but you are right, she runs a freaking Mech Arena.

How could she not be in some form of body armor or mech?

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i think the reason why it was only her arms and wepon is because its a first person view they are working on