Junkerqueen Knife & Rank Progress

I have a could of ideas, and I don’t want to create two separate posts, so I figure I could make it into one!

First, does Junkerqueen’s knife have an indication that you’ve been hit by it? I know you can see the knife in the bottom of your screen when you are hit, but I’m always taken off guard when I’m hit by it. Either the Queen pulls the knife as soon as it lands, or you get hit and don’t realize it until your movement is suddenly taken away. So, why doesn’t have an on screen notification like “Hinder”, "Stuck, “Hacked”, etc? I think it should, and it should say “Stabbed”, “Shanked”, “Impaled” just to make it easier play around. I think Blizzard should genuinely consider adding this.

Second, I am really enjoying the current competitive rework. I honestly stopped playing comp early in OW’s history, mainly because there was no reason to play it. Now that there’s rewards, and we can see our game by game progress, its great! However, its really annoying that the progress bar occurs right after I leave a match, and if you press anything, you can’t see it anymore. Either allow us to view it again like in the after match reports with our progression levels, or add a tab to view our current progress somewhere in the main menu.

Again, just some quality of life ideas I had. I hope Blizzard looks to do this at some point

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