Junker Queen sexuality

She’s Madmax, tall, absolutely shredded aussie queen. That’s all i need to know

Who’s gonna tell him…


I really hate to be that gay and sound like an old conservative man, but how many times do we need to explicitly state a characters sexuality until the point is proven that overwatch is an inclusive game.

I mean I don’t know. She could be a Tracer and or pretty much a Vi from League of Legends. Who knows. I mean so far she likes both sides of the coin of men and women unless Blizzard makes a turn on canon.

From the way I see her She could be a mix between Bi, Straight or just Lesbian/Gay.

Ok Make tracer bi and junker Queen Gay :+1:

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This thread is insanely filled with the worst takes like this, lol, “every character has been transified” (???)
No wonder I’ve avoided the forums for so long…

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But Tracer is gay still. You can’t change or unchange a person’s sexually at this point in life.


But i can still try and there IS nothing you can do to stop me.