Junker queen lifesteal buff

That life steal buff needs to get reverted immediately. Now with the new tank passive and 2.5 lifesteal she’s incredibly annoying to duel and she heals so much from it.

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JQ might be the fairest and most balanced tank in the game. Stop it.


She reminds me of Reaper back in the day when his lifesteal was so high he would press W not die. Eventually, they were forced to reverse it.


No she is not. Clearly your opinion. Anything with life steal is automatically unfair

I’ve been saying this Junker Queen’s self healing is lowkey busted lol. It was basically double buffed as the dps passive got cut in half and she also got a 2.5x multiplier instead of 2x

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The tank passive also made her life steal better. The consistent sustain she gets from it now that she takes reduced crit and her tiny frame makes her infuriating to duel specifically as a tank. It’s easy for her to land her shots and axe on tanks because of their huge hitboxes. I feel like junkerqueen is one of those tanks who shouldn’t have gotten the tank passive of reduced crits because she’s so hard to hit.

its over time, if your team focuses on her, the sustain isnt that useful bc she would be dead before getting all the healing back

its not like a winston ult where he gets 1k health and goes back on a rampage, jq has to have hit her carnage or her knife onto multiple people to get the lifesteal

she also has relatively less health than other big tanks, shes fine as of now


Reaper is unfair…

Do you know how many hoops and hurtles us JQ players have to do to play her correctly? Shes one of the only tabks where everyone will actually actively switch to counter pick, hell enemy reins don’t even get countered as much as queen and we’ve know rein for YEAARS!

If a JQ is dominating that’s just a good queen Im sorry, but we literally have to do class S trigonometry just to win our games.

Best you can do is que dodge and wave wishing her good luck to GM because if they actually playing queen that good to where shes this “Unkillable” “Unstoppable” monsters thats exactly where they headed and all you can really do is stay out they way.

That is a TRUE Junker Queen main your dealing with.

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How can you complain about queen’s lifesteal when mauga is right there?

Queen has to consistently hit her abilities and also track which wounds you have put on which targets, because yes each wound is different and yes you have to use the right ones at the right time.

Mauga on the other hand presses one button and then pumps lead into the biggest target he can find gaining lifesteal and overhealth and also giving his team lifesteal and damage reduction.


Mauga is easy to hit

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2.5x healing returns from the damage over time effects does seem excessive, but Blizzard has attempted 1.5x and 2x prior, and while I don’t think she needed this buff, it may have been necessary based on the information Blizzard has been receiving that Queen is dying too much.

Reaper gets his lifesteal through basic, primary fire. Junker Queen only receives health from damage over time effects through the use of her cooldowns and Ultimate. It is a much different situation when Reaper can spend 8 seconds getting health through his primary fire, whereas Junker Queen’s Carnage cooldown is 8 seconds, and doesn’t hit a target.

Tank passive didn’t really do anything to reduce the amount of damage she takes outside critical hits to the head. She doesn’t really have a tiny frame given that she’s taller than Mauga, too.

It’s over time to a specific point, any time Junker Queen kills a target while the Wounds are still in effect, she immediately receives that healing back. Thus, a Jagged Edge to Carnage kill is 30 + 40 Wounds and 75 + 100 healing immediately.

Otherwise, the healing over time is 75/3 and 100/3 or 58 healing per second for 3 seconds. 10% less when affected by the damage-role passive.

Sorta. The thing is, healing tends to be more effective as a mitigation tool than straight armor. So even though it appears than Junker Queen has less real health than other Tanks, she’s still capable of mitigating a lot of damage as well as any other Tank in the game, and possibly even better than a handful of them with their own cooldowns. Fortify, or TAB with Fortify is basically the equivalent that Junker Queen is able to get in terms of mitigating damage.

But again, this still requires Junker Queen to be actively doing something to get those healing returns, she just can’t put up a shield and render herself immune to damage. She’s got to land those cooldowns; and that can be fairly difficult in a lot of games without proper back-up or in-experienced players who don’t really know how to play Queen. It’s also why she’s somewhat unpopular as she can be mechanically challenging for a Tank-role hero.

She’s not really in that bad of a position when it comes to counter-picking. Damage over time is unaffected by armor, and so Queen is always able to recover the maximum amount of healing possible through her cooldowns against Tanks. She does have some unfair match-ups; notably Sigma, but she is otherwise able to still stand toe-to-toe with most of them.

Nah. She’s not that difficult.

Queen has multiple cooldowns that help her heal and can cycle through them. Mauga just has one, and it’s on a higher cooldown than any individual cooldown of Queen’s… plus aiming required.

Yea but his life steal is quite ez to counter as it only lasts for 3 seconds. Dm the whole duration, grasp the whole duration or hell rien shield can last the who duration. Its not really an issue imo.

Not really you just shoot the enemy tank

Neither is junkerqueens

Hahahahaha play queen like meta orisa into all her counters and TRY wasting your cool downs see what happens, in fa t just ult whenever you feel tell me how that goes.

I never said it was. Was more so pointing out the poor comparison as i think hers is way better than muagas just because of how easy it it to shut his down.

JQ may be slightly overpowered, but the character is not point and click type, so it’s not really noticeable. Lack of hard damage mitigation means that most JQs can be gunned down without a lot of effort. Just avoid 1v1s.

Just have your Support play Kiriko and/or Ana and JQ becomes a non-issue.

Cause TBH I never got the Kiriko hate UNTIL I played JQ. Playing into both Ana and Kiriko as a JQ especially is an exercise in misery.

Try playing queen against Zarya, Kiriko, Ana and any combination of venture, reaper or mei.

Now that, is hell.