Junker Queen animated short is amazing

It’s probably my new favorite. It’s just pure action with a nice amount of comedy. Imo it’s a much better version of Reunion. Great music too. Junker Queen is probably the coolest hero on the roster

Oh and I loved the 4th wall breaks :rofl:


i enjoyed it quite a bit and loved the design’s of the rest of the characters too, junkrat losing his popcorn was one of the funniest but also saddest moments of my life…i laugh because it happened to junkrat but i cried because i could put myself in junkrat’s shoes :stuck_out_tongue:


It was great, they should have shown it first tho. I was too angry to enjoy it. I also love that amyl and the sniffers did the music, recognizing stuff is a good feeling hah.





I’m the forums official blizzard simp according to some lol


Can’t have that
Slams table

Mei’s short is the best… maybe tied to bastion


i love it too, my only complain is that what shes wearing in the short looks way better than the in game models that have been shown off. idk the black tube top jacket thigns shes got just completees the look more than the white top shes wearing underneath. so heres hoping she has a skin unlock with it on, whilst also wearing the crown


Tbh this new short didn’t really make me feel anything. Like yeah it was funny but some of the other ones were way more impactful.


Eh, compared to the earlier shorts, it lacked emotional stakes. It was too safe, she won too easily, and with the power of friendship in junkertown, which is supposed to be cut throat.


I thought it was one of the worst.

Other OW shorts had emotional moments that made them memorable and endearing.

See the Rein short, Mei short, Bastion short, etc.

This was a fight scene.

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Weird way to say genji and hanzo’s

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I agree but it’s a nice change of pace imo. Not all shorts need to pull at the heartstrings. This one was different but in a good way.

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I felt it was lazy writing.

It basically did nothing to progress the story or tell us about the character as a person.

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I never even heard of them until now and they’re really great! Nice find

Yeah there were some cheesy lines but I think they were just aiming for something fun.


have to admit the short is well done but the hero itself is trash.

I also like the Junker Queen animated short, and the music that came along with it is phenomenal.

Her kit, when I read about it, seems kinda overloaded – it feels a lot like an amalgamation of Reinhardt, Ana, and Roadhog. Oh well, we’ll see how good she is when she gets released.

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i want to see the movie but yea they are animated shorts lol. i wouldnt mind a junker queen series…

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It was good enough and entertaining even if not the most emotional.

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I enjoyed it. I didn’t think JQ won easily; funnily enough, Junker King would have killed her if it had been a one-on-one fight. I thought it told us a lot about JQ as a character; we heard her backstory, know what motivated her, saw her canniness in recruiting the other fighters even as she battled them, and of course witnessed her fighting abilities.

Looking forward to more. :slight_smile:

Oh, and put me in the camp that prefers her trailer outfit to her real one.


She talked way too much while fighting and it was a bit jarring since she was talking as if her body was completely relaxed lol

Good short otherwise

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