Jokes over take Mercy's training wheels off please

If you feel strongly that mercy is in a fine state I assume you would want to debunk other people’s arguments saying she’s not fine.

That’s the point of having discussions.

Also I’m not saying people that enjoy her are a minority. It seems pretty 50/50 from what I’ve seen.

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I’ve done that loads of times, go through my profile.
And I’m pretty lazy tbh.

We as in op and I…

When “we” is used without such qualifiers in a sentence, one is left to wonder who the writer is purporting to speaking for

I was talking about the original post, seems pretty clear to me. Doesnt even matter. Just drop it.

Personally, I dont think it was clear at all, as the original post was not directly referenced in the post I replied to

Thank you for your subsequent clarification

Skill celling isn’t around ult or soldier would be a no skill hero, i see no soldier main complain this his ult being auto-pilot.

Valk needs to be the cooldown, rez needs to be the ult. Rez should have never not been an ult.

You cannot make big plays with mercy unless you are god of that pistol, and that is not what she is supposed to be about anyway. Valk can’t stop or start a teamwipe like literally any other ult.


Tac Visor covers less skills than Valkyrie, plus it’s shorter and S76 skill gap is bigger.

Visor gives you auto aim for 6 seconds. It doesn’t give crazy mobility, infinite ammo, chain bullets and constant self heal for 15 seconds.

Valkyrie is just bloated.

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I dont know of any reason why this is a need

I see it more as a want for some (tho not all) anti-Mercy players

As I see it, Rez is perfectly balanced in its current state by the restrictions imposed upon it

Please no mass rez or ult rez. That ability is gameplay poison. Hide and rez single handedly ruined Mercy, why would anyone, especially a Mercy player, want to walk down that path again? We all see how it ends, buffed to op levels, everyone complains, she gets nerfed into the ground.

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Unfortunately there are many in the anti-mercy faction, including the two alleged leaders of the Revert/Rework mercy movements, who want mass rez to return

Even as a whole it is completely dumbed down. I do not know how you play Mercy when not in Valkyrie mode, but I certainly had to work to be at the right place at the right time. I had to work to keep everyone alive. I didn’t stick to just one person, or keep at one member until they had full health. I juggled my beams to make sure all team members stayed alive instead of having one member at full health all the time. Outside of Mercy’s ultimate it takes a lot of work to keep everyone alive, to be everywhere, to position yourself in such a way that you can heal your flanker when they come into view or so you can fly to them, and to position yourself so you always have an exit if someone dives you.

Valkyrie just does not require a lot of work. It’s dumbed down. You can travel further, but you usually don’t need to because your beam range is really long. You can heal or boost more people at once, so trying to keep everyone alive no longer require a difficult decision or predicting who’s going to take damage to such an extent that they will die. Valkyrie requires you to decide if you are going to heal, if you are going to boost, if you are going to use your gun. You can usually do all those things at a safe distance, behind cover, far far away with a good view of the battlefield. In some cases someone is outside of chain-beam range, but the mechanism to get there or to attach a beam to that person is a lot simpler than doing the same outside of Valkyrie…

Perhaps we have a different perspective on things. Valkyrie does not add anything to me that I am not already achieving outside of Valkyrie. I already manage to keep everyone alive, I already manage to boost people. I just have to work A LOT harder to achieve it when I’m not in Valkyrie. Valkyrie is just easy mode…

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Literally what she’s basically always been.

You have to take into account each healers strengths and weaknesses.

Mercy is allowed to have weaknesses. She is allowed to thrive off of specific metas and have weaknesses in others.

Her metas are DPS based, just as Anas are generally tank based.

Mercy should not be buffed to the point where she has no weaknesses. She should not be the only healer, like she was back when she was extremely OP.

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How :clap: about :clap: people :clap: stop :clap: ignoring :clap: how :clap: she :clap: used :clap: to :clap: be :clap: played :clap: and :clap: realize :clap: many :clap: don’t :clap: like :clap: a :clap: Mercy :clap: that :clap: is :clap: required :clap: to :clap: use :clap: her :clap: pistol.

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Pressing space after jumping would not be considered an ability

A passive, perhaps, an ability it is not.



It’s disappointing that people try to act like Valk doesn’t add anything, or that it removes Mercy from the game or whatever.

You still have to juggle beams, you still have to make split second decisions, etc, etc. Underselling what Valk brings to the table doesn’t benefit the discussion what so ever.

Sad stuff. Some forum Mercy mains done lost their damn minds…

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The fact a good chunk of the top Mercy players including support pros prefer tweaking her existing kit over a revert/rework already says a lot about this movement.

Mainly that low ranked “common player” Mercy mains are the ones that keep pushing the false narrative that is 1) There is no skill expression on her ult and 2) There is no difference between a good Mercy and a bad one and 3) Valkyrie is easy mode because it installs a bot that does everything for you BUT AT THE SAME TIME Mercy is bad.

Which is hilarious because its true. Low ranked Mercies think they’re actually on par with Animetic and Neptuno when in reality they’re more on par with Aria Rose using valkyrie to only heal and miss 90% of her shots on a Pharah while her main tank is on critical.

Hey, it’s easier to say that the character is bad and the ult is bad than admit you’re bad. Don’t forget that.

Like, take for example Niandra: openly says that the bad Valkyries in her smurf matches happen because she made the wrong decisions.

Or Animetic: always explaining why and when is she using Valkyrie during a teamfight and also takes the time to explain that her Bad, Boring Valks happen because of her mistakes.

Or Luminum: Who recently made some “Unranked to diamond” Mercy videos in which they admit to messing up the ultimate. (Quote: "That didn’t went like that because Mercy is bad or Valkyrie is bad. That was entirely my fault.)

And all of these players are still ranking up and winning games despite Mercy being unusable/unplayable and weak. Turns out good players will do good no matter what. Funny, huh?


That’s the problem, people scream Valkryie takes skill left and right, but the only thing they point to when saying it requires skill is “use the pistol”.

I think it’s important to remember not to generalise here.

Not every player in a rank bracket has the same views as each other, and even those that choose not to play ranked have valid contributions to this topic, and you don’t know why they are where they are.

But when you call a large group of players bad or wrong based on something as trivial as rank, it really shows what you value, and it’s not an opinion.

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