Jokes over take Mercy's training wheels off please

We simply disagree here, and thats fine.

I’ve provided you the explanation you asked for, and dont have anything further to offer you in that regard

Factually, Pharah’s ability to fly is a result of her regular abilities


I agree with you 100%, OP, she needs a higher skill ceiling through E and Q.

But, there are too many more pressing things they need to address (goats), so I don’t expect any significant changes soon if ever. Hopefully another mobile main healer comes out that has more depth.

Superman is a goood analogy for this. No, lifting a car isn’t hard for Superman like it is for a normal person, but nobody expects a normal person to do that and much more than that is expected of Superman. If he spent his time just lifting cars off people, they’d say “Why don’t you also do bigger things?” Valkyrie is Superman and just using it to chain heal is a waste of its power.

This is definitely not a common saying about Mercy when she pops her Valkyrie… You make the exact same decisions as without Valkyrie except there is no need for target prioritization, range is no longer a limitation, and obstructed view is no longer as much of a problem. Power is increased somewhat, but Mercy’s decisions are TRIVIAL and the follow-through is DUMBED DOWN to the point where your skill is hardly needed. If you find Valkyrie more difficult to use than her regular non-ult kit I’m guessing you’re either going battle Mercy, or you feel some form of social pressure that somehow cripples your decision making skills.

Edit: there’s another option I guess… if, when not using Valkyrie, you’re the kind of Mercy that just pockets someone and does not really care about the rest of the team, and suddenly when you use Valkyrie you start bothering about other team-members I guess I could see how you find Valkyrie to require more skill than being a solo-hero pocket-healer/booster. I would, in such case, recommend you to up your non-ult play a bit.

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Decision-making in Valkyrie is everything. I’m linking a thread I made a couple of months ago that shows how I use it.

And I don’t have any problems being useful outside of my ult. I’ve been playing Mercy heavily since beta (GM almost every season). I’m not saying she needs the ult to be effective; I’m saying she can do more with it than people think.


All you did was fly around not caring about who you were healing (since you had no need to) and just pulled out your gun to try and get a few kills. The only exception was when the team wasn’t 100% grouped up, and you had to make the choice of healing one other person that wasn’t with the group. That’s not more decisions, that’s not better decisions. That’s less than the 5 people she has to choose from normally.

All you did was prove why it fails as a support ultimate and why it should be labeled as a dps ultimate if anything.

And I’m saying Valkyrie dumbs down all the decisions that you would normally do outside of Valkyrie and makes Mercy’s kit a lot simpler. Back when I played (I stopped playing a year ago, but had over 200 hours on Mercy at that point) I was incredibly active and engaged outside of Valkyrie, and in Valkyrie there was no need to use Guardian Angel as much due to the extended range, there was no need to beam juggle because of chain beams, there was no need to take cover for a second for regeneration to start because regeneration was uninterruptable.

Simply put, while Valkyrie made me more powerful I would make the same type of decisions, I would have the same awareness and provide the team with what the team needed, but everything just became trivial to achieve even if I switched beams and occasionally had to move to a target outside of chain-range (usually due to hiding in a building etc.). Valkyrie is simple even if you can achieve a lot. I never said it was unimpactful, just extremely dumbed down and trivial. Back when I played going Battle Mercy was out of the question as it would get you reported, and perhaps the perception of using your gun has improved somewhat so I can not testify to that added possibility of Mercy’s Valkyrie kit.

Additionally: I don’t want mass-rez back either. I don’t mind people arguing that mass-rez lacked skill or that it wasn’t engaging. It was, however, instant so it didn’t bore me to death for 15 seconds. If Valkyrie had a 5 second duration at most I think I’d be fine with it. 15 seconds is way too long for dumbing down Mercy’s kit to such an extent…


What I did was show the ability’s flexibility. Mercy is not and never has been a healer; She’s a support, which is what I think throws people who don’t think that distinction is important when they see her doing something other than healing. Healing is not always the best option. Sometimes Mercy’s whole kit needs to be used. That doesn’t make it a “DPS ult”.


It dumbs down each skill individually, but the skill in using Valkyrie comes from using ALL of Mercy’s abilities on a second-to-second basis because everything takes less time. Beam juggling and positioning are important outside of the ult, but those considerations being removed during the ult allows Mercy to completely control the fight in a way she can’t always do otherwise. No matter how good Mercy is, outside of her ult, she can only do one thing at a time, only heal for 50 HPS, only move to places available to her, etc. Valkyrie opens up everything at once. There’s nothing dumbed down about the ability as a whole. You can’t compartmentalize it like you are. It’s meant to be viewed as a whole.

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So I imagined the bit before Ana existed where Mercy had the highest healing in the game and was the only hero who was capable of healing others but couldn’t deal damage while healing? Huh… I must have a great imagination.

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She has and always will be the games closest thing to a pure support pacifist, she was never meant to use the pistol for anything else but a last resort desperation move. The fact that its now one of the best assets of her ultimate is a fundamental design flaw that runs counter to the notion that Mercy hates violence. She didn’t even want to join OW due to how they used violence.


There is no reason to limit one’s use of the pistol over backstory.

If one acts in-game in a fashion befitting backstory, why would Torb ever fight Brig, or Winston fight Tracer, and etc etc etc.

Backstory makes the characters more interesting, but should never be used as a reason for a player to handicap themselves


----> The Point

---->Your head

We do not find her fun to play, not unbalanced!

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There are actually many anti-Mercy players who find Mercy to not be balanced

while there are many anti-Mercy players who claim she isn’t fun to play, that’s only one of MANY different stances/positions held by anti-Mercy players…

They are a minority.
The most upset people are the most vocal.

For what purpose would I, and others who enjoy her, make a video about my opinions on Mercy?

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Says who? The lore?
Girl bye.

People :clap: need :clap: to :clap: stop :clap: comparing :clap: lore :clap: to :clap: the :clap: actual :clap: game.

According to the lore, Mercy never actually rezzed anybody.
Rez was given to her because devs wanted to have this mechanic in the game and it fits the best with an angelic hero, Mercy in our case.

Game balance is not related to lore.

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This isn’t what we want. mercy is becoming a pocket for long range heroes only, the only thing they havent destroyed on mercy is her DMG boost. they need to balance the rest of her kit properly.

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Please speak for yourself and not for others.

As it has always been.

Everything else is fine too.

They balance around global statistics, not around the feelings of casual players.
Regarding her statistics, she’s fine.


how long have you been playing? there was a point in time when ana and moira literally didnt exist… who do you think healed?

Fair enough, that was my bad.

She doesnt heal enough to be a relevant main healer anymore, her healing at 60hp/s was redundant as of the powercreep and lowering it was a stupid mistake that still needs to be recified.

im talking about the power distribution within her kit, it’s not even thought about. all her power is in E res, that’s her strongest ability. if she ressurect a junkrat and he kills 6 people with his tire, that is mercy’s impact. he was dead - that is the power of an ultimate ability put on a flat cooldown.

statistically she’s fine, aside from a 2% (ridiculously low, like crazy low) on fire rate meaning she lacks any real moment to shine. Dva’s is low too but her nuke still zones people even if it gets no kills.

Idk if you were getting my jist tbh

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