Jimmybuff - leaver penalty after crash

@WyomingMyst What a terrible system. I get a 4k in overwatch, game crashes for the first time and then I get a 10 minute ban instead of the option to rejoin the game. There is no point to that. I don’t have friends who play OW so I solo que. I’ve been on a big loss streak after my rank got reset and then I’m about to win a game and my game crashes for the first time and i’m penalized. The crash error is on Blizzard, not my PC. I can’t remember many game crashes I’ve had especially since getting a new PC. What an absolute joke. No wonder more and more people stop playing.

It would certainly be worth the effort on Blizzards side to add a re-join feature.

Also allow for rejoining in competitive for inactivity. Idc if I keep the penatly or not, just dont remove people leaving there teammates alone for an entire match just because someone went from the computer for 2 minutes

There is a rejoin feature, but it has a time limit.

Please don’t necro threads from two years ago. Instead, make a new one to discuss feedback in #general-discussion.