Jesse McCree named after a sexual harasser at blizzard

But he is still named after him.

I’d understand it why they’d like to cut the connection to that specific person.


Thing is, it would do literally nothing.

Everyone who grinds the game competitively sees the cowboy and calls out “Mccree”

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Honestly… pretty sure have the people here don’t know how great Matt Mercer actually is.

Don’t know what else to think this early.

I would understand if they wanted to distance the character from that name, but I don’t think it’s necessary when the character is not in any way intended to represent the person. That was just the “best cowboy name” that came up.

That said, even if they want to change it, his last name is probably staying the same. They caused a bunch of ambiguity just by naming the Wrecking Ball pilot during his announcement, so imagine what happens if they try to change an existing character’s name. The name “McCree” is going to be used by most players in-game whether it remains the official name or not, and that will be very awkward for new players going forward if not.

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Jesse McCree is a terrible name for a sex abuser.


They could just change his first name.

Damn now I got another reason to hate McCree

Just watch Critical Role… it will cure the hate.

Cool. I hope you look forward to the new OW2 heroes, Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer.

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Then we should rename McCree to Matt Mercer

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Sorry but just because you have the same name as a sexual harasser, murderer or whatever doesn’t make you one.


Just because someone with the A.H. name was terrible doesn’t mean my in game name is inappropriate!


Probably infinite

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I mean depends, does having the name A.H. in the game make you want to go commit mass genocide on minorities? No? I thought so.

Not sure if saying that being associated with one actually confirmed sexual harasser, makes Jesse (the dev) also a sexual harasser. He certainly knew, considering how he commented. Sure looks bad.

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I guess in the 1980s whoever had the eponymous name “Crosby” called their son “Bill”. but after uncovering a scandal, can you actually be ashamed or disappointed in the person you met by that name?

I’m not disappointed with the Overwatch cowboy. then you are free to imagine that his name is really “Joel” (Morricone) as he suggests to Sombra in a voiceline. For me he is just Jesse McCree, the deadlock/blackwatch/overwatch cowboy.

a quote from HALfred glitchbot apt for this kind of topic.

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If they actually change mccrees name or get rid of him over this, that will be so stupid.

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Why don’t we just call him McRightClick, since that’s most of his identity at this point. :rofl:

As far as I know, all he did was make jokes in a private group chat.

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