🐲 Jeff: Wasn't Mercy supposed to be a dark dragon at least?

On twitter you can at least see her holding the weapon from behind during the potg.

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Honestly they most likely were trying to aviod the FF Dragoon likeness to avoid copyright stuff.

So if they made it dark purple or black we would of had a lawsuit and a half.

…but why then they just get someone from DnD to help with a skin then…

(I mean they have Matt. I am sure DnD wouldn’t mind.)

(Imagining how this would look then.)

Gotta love the forums complaining about subjective opinions on things.

The skin is dark in Jeff’s eyes. Not hard to understand.

It’s a good skin. They just need to either change the colour scheme or give us the option to chose different colours.

(Like LoL for example where some skins have colour palettes that you can choose)

Green on that skin just looks uguujdkdkekem.

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expanding on this… 🐉 After thinking about it.... kinda mad they didn't do a DnD Mercy skin

NGL i thought we were getting a cool gothic skin (dark souls/bloodborne like) or maybe something diablo like. (even that new chick from the diablo 4 trailer)

but instead we got a dopey stupid looking skin. which i like cuz if i play mercy, i better look stupid. honestly made me laugh when i saw it. first time that ever happened. we need more stupid skins, just sad part was they ment this to be cool. feel bad for mercy players cuz i dont think anyone is trying to ware this skin except for trolls/people who hate mercy lol.

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I think they could at least pick a different green shade… like jade for example. If they wanted to make it green so badly :thinking:

Could have been a gold dragon.

AHAHAHAHAH, I’m dying.

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At least someone got the ref.

Don’t play DnD much give some references

Have you at least listen to Matt at Critical role.

Seriously, no reason not to now in this lockdown… or next lockdown.

side topic: also props for this

probably to see what results they get by blocking an entire forum on something so accessory compared to a real feedback that could improve the game. :unamused:

Know what words do NOT show up in what Jeff said?

“Dark” or “Evil”.

He just said she has a cool skin coming up, and the dragoon skin is cool.

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No it could be green but it just looks like the kindergarten dragon “cosplays”
That we used to do. She never had a bad skin, so here it is I guess.

I don’t think you’re talking about the same statement.
He said that they like making skins for Mercy because of the Light & Dark themes you can put into them, then he mentioned that there was a high probability that Mercy would be getting a new skin on the dark side very soon.

I’m surprised that you guys still blantly believe in Jeff’s words after the Academy Dva skin’s release. He either had to say whatever PR allows him to say or his aethetic value is quite unique.

D&D has green dragons. All chromatic dragons (red, blue, green, black, white) are evil, while the metallic dragons (gold, silver, bronze, copper, platinum) are good.

So Mercy is cosplaying an evil dragon.

He said “cool skin” not “dark skin”