🐲 Jeff: Wasn't Mercy supposed to be a dark dragon at least?

yeah its an odd thing to like that skin

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It’s just… ugh… Looks like a joke. She doesn’t look badass, she looks like she wore a dragon costume she bought off of Wish or something for 1 dollar.


The color is so gross, The costume is great but the green kills it.

Should have been Dark Purple/Blue or Black.


imo the costume isn’t great either. Looks like a cheap Shieldmaiden (which is much better!!) Even if it was black/purple I doubt people would like it

I guess is also my fault fo expecting something like this FF Dragoon

Well, at least the colors

yeah, by a “dark skin” i was thinking a necromancer, or a cleric covered in dirt with torn clothes or something. this is just a questionable design choice. dragons work, (sym’s dragon skin is amazing) but this is a swing and a miss. maybe because they want her to be bright, cheery, and fanservicey, so they had to make her look like that.

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as if she went to a local renfaire with 3 days to prepare a costume, then got called into work to heal people.


Meanwhile Sym shows up in full cosplay, Max effort, and Then gets wrongfully kicked out of Support.

While Mercy wins first prize.

(That’s what I see when I see this skin.)

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Didnt we learn from the dva skin advertising?

I like the skin. The weapon is awesome. It gives us the choice of green or golden scales. The helmet looks cool and the wings are not standard-yellow. I like it. Only the eyes look a litte strange… But its a good skin. (and better than this old british dragooner skin xD).
It is still a great skin, no matter how you look at it. Compare it to Xmas Mei which was just a red recolor.

Honestly I wasn’t upset by D. Va last year.

That was well done.

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i mean sure but it didnt break the internet


It totally didn’t break the internet.


It’s not bad. It does give off a vibe the design team wasn’t sure if they wanted to go dark and edgy for her, or go her typical pretty/whimsical attire, yet they blended both to…okay results.

At least she has an Anniversary skin now. And it matches with Pharah’s Qinglong look. I get the feeling Echo will get one eventually.

I feel like they just copied a cosplayer from last year Blizzcon.

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Did they show the weapon in the trailer or do you need to go to the website. I actually ironically said if the pistol was different I would consider buying it.

Two words…
Boob plate.


Would post a YouTube video to ref this.

But there is too many.


One day we’ll have more proper armor…
Until then, we have Reinhardt.


Meanwhile Pharah’s ghost drops some armor on your head.

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