Jeff said they were going to be more crazy with experimental

I can’t wait! Any chance you have plans for Brig down the road? Or will she never be touched ever again in history?

thisssssssss :face_vomiting:
I can’t stand having to pre-plan in advance to die before using Barrage every time


Hi! Could you and the team consider giving D.Va a more forgiving armor ratio? Even if her boosters are returned to five seconds, some extra durability would more than make up for it!

(…What!? Everyone else is doing it!)

This isn’t an AMA thread and yet every time Jeff pokes his head in to answer a question people feel entitled for answers…

Thank you for responding in a timely manner, even with all the vitriol.



I really dont think tweakinf numbers would really take away resoueces in any meaningful manner at all honestly…its literally just changing some values.

That is a cursed emote

Jeff, please tell me the “interesting” things include Bastion. Because I am so desapointed with this minor buff to him… He doesent need more damage, he doesent need more accuracy on his shots. He needs a complete reformulation. I know you said that we arent going to have any hero reworked until Overwatch 2, but you did something interesting with Roadhog and Zarya on the 1-3-2 experiment. Why dont make something like that on Bastion, just to get some feedback. Also, great part of his Rework requests from community asks him to be moved for Tank role. You should pay atention on this possibility, there are lots of great concepts of how making this to work, and several arguments in favor of it fit more like an Offtank than a DPS
A good example: Experimental card: moving heroes to help queue times - #7 by MagyTheMage-1534

I totally get where you’re coming from here. The 3-2-1 experiment is the only one that felt really experimental, though I’m sure that console and more casual players have enjoyed getting to try out the upcoming balance changes ahead of time.

I feel the need to point out, though, that the experimental modes are on live servers. Like, that was kind of the whole point of creating it. That’s why they can’t put more involved changes that could be game-crashing in experimental — those still go to PTR first.

On PC, according to Overbuff data, Ana is the number one most-picked hero in competitive over the last month in every single rank. She’s getting played something like 73% of the time (per team), and her pick rate is equivalent to the 2nd and 3rd-most picked supports combined.

Rein is definitely up there, but his pick rate is closer to half.

Well played. I just hope you realize you can’t appease ‘community sentiment’ by tweaking numbers on heroes like Moira, Hanzo etc. and that some issues run as deep as game mode design; how are you gonna make heroes like Hanzo better at winning games without having him perceived as OP. Maybe you can also achieve that through sweeping hero changes.

Can we expect to see more changes on this experimental card within the next 3-5 days? I ask primarily as someone who thinks making Moira’s Healing Orb fast makes it unnecessarily difficult to use properly.

I’ve made a thread that goes into more detail, but will leave it there for now.

Rein has had his pickrate affected by bans while Ana has never been banned.

More than likely the drastic changes we all want (like hero reworks) are being developed in OW2.

Ana has been banned.

IMHO the type of balancing they are doing is bandaid fixes that wont ever get treated for real.

tanks, dps, and support ALL suffer from having no “baseline” balance goal.

They can adjust all they want but that type of “fixing” wont cure the issue at its core.

You NEED roster wide balancing.
They need to go throguh every hero and set a baseline balance that ALL of the dps hit. Then let them have their niches where they can exceed that balance if they are in that niche situation (example is sym/mei who want to 1v1 for maximum effectiveness or snipers if enemy team has no barrier tanks) but not ALWAYS better than other options.

Rein is top tank always. that shouldnt happen outside of a meta where you are doign soemthign like double shield (where there are only 3 who can do it).

Tanks should be given a baseline across their tank type.

rein/orisa/sigma should have their shields/health be able to sto pa baselien amount of dmg. Orisa and sigma would “increase” their baseline throguh other skills while rein has togglign a shield even if not fully charged.

hog,, zarya, hamster can’t really “block” damage. They should have a balance around surviving a fight for x amount of time vs x amount of constant dps incoming.

this makes them closer in efefctiveness for tanking hits and lets you pick what skillset they offer as to why you use em over another.

support would need a baseline “using only primary how much can we heal” and then based on kit adjust from there.

there shouldnt ever be a case like ana who has range, cc, anti heal, AND top tier healing when the only thign they lack is mobility.

AoE heals shouldnt be better than ST heals. (why bring st heals if u can get aoe ehasl at same pwoer lvl?) They should make a defined reason for when u want ST or AoE heals. Make AoE heals split the hp/s based on how many are effected. (personally how valk needs changes imho so it isnt so brain dead usable and actually require some “should i use this?” mentality)

you can’t balance a game by changing a few at atime…else your not balancing it at same thign (you are then balancing it at the rest o heroes current state) and just makes it take longer than needed and much more frustrating.

would you rather a year of many changes that dont fix the issue in end or no changes for a year then fix many/most/all issues?

there is small timer before JR can detonate riptire. at 0.7 seconds, he can use riptire and detonate it right away in case he got caught starting the ultimate.

basically, it gives him a little bit more flexibility using riptire.


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Thank You!

Finally Symmetry will have a chance

Its total mayhem getting changed not rip tire.

did they modify the on-fire meter in experimental mode?

I am comming around on this patch, while I don’t think it’ll change the meta at least it’s bridging the power gap and addressing the neglected DPS.