Jeff said dont bother saving currency

He said nothing is coming up soon and then summer games happens.

Seriously? Gee thanks.

He said not to hoard it for anything special other than the upcoming events so he wasn’t lying


I dont remember him saying upcoming events.

I still have 70k left.

Oh my god. Sis we need to get you some other hobbies


So hoarding coins for OW2 is not going to work?

“it happened the last 4 yrs within a few weeks of this time, but surely its not gonna happen this time” “Omg it happened”


That is what he said in the AMA.


There goes one of the few incentives I had to play. I am glad he was straight up about it, at least.

can’t argue with that

I’m on a golden gun quest. Only need 8 now.

It would be nice if they allowed players to purchase priority queue with say 25 for 50 coins for fast damage q

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He did you deaf dog…

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4 years all the same events over and over again and you are surprised?


They’re very obviously going to a battle pass system for that game. There’s simply too much money to be made.

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Hell no. Tanks and supports are getting currency as a reward and you wanna pay for playing dps? Nope!

That’s a pretty good idea, I support it.

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Did he say that in the AMA?


Did anyone honestly believe we weren’t going to get a Summer games event to spend currency on?

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I mean it’s always been new skins when events happen…
Nothing has changed.

I think what he’s eluding to is don’t save up for OW2

Wow, I’m glad I saved up 368k worth of credits then. :sweat_smile:

Our Lord Jeff blessed me with a Lifeguard Pharah in my freebie loot box so I could start happy without having to a spend a single credit or play a single game at the very start of this event. :pray::innocent:

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