💬 Jeff on Open Queue: "We just hadn't anticipated the success of the mode to be what it was."

I hate hearing this man talk.

“Symmetra is fine. People just haven’t figured her out yet.” 3 months later, they rework her entire kit. Then a few months later, they rework her AGAIN.


I didn’t say this. I made no claim of a majority.

However, a quote from the video:

Note how he doesn’t say “most people love the Role Queue, a few don’t.” He just says “some” people. That’s interesting don’t you think?

And then:

A lot of them.

There have been plenty of complaints. The forums also aren’t representative of the playerbase.

But even forum polls here showed a huge portion doesn’t like Role Queue. Even if it was a quarter or a third of votes, that’d be a huge portion - far too big to ignore.

That’s fine. We just wanted it to be a side-by-side option, and now it is.


As long as it’s an option and not mandatory, so be it. Go ahead and enjoy 4 dps instalocks. I just don’t want to see that ever again in my games.


That doesn’t happen that often, but I do enjoy such compositions personally on the occasions I get them.

An instalock tells me that this person is confident in playing said hero.

What I don’t like is people that wait around to make their pick. That shows weakness and unconfidence. (And has even cost me games on some Defence rounds).

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As someone who usually picks around people’s picks: I don’t do it because I’m not confident in my own abilities, I do it because I’m not confident in the other guy’s.


Ya, they are just making an excuse.
The fact is, that the game is dying under role queue and the queue times it results in, and they have NO CHOICE but to revert.

Maybe their statistics are true, maybe they are not. It doesn’t matter, because there is nothing else they can do.


Don’t argue. this dude’s obviously someone who prefers one tricks. So let him enjoy one tricks. He can keep them.

i’d rather play with those who fill.

Would love to see absolutely any actual evidence that proves this ““death of Overwatch”” specifically due to 2/2/2 role - lock.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but 2/2/2 role - lock isn’t going anywhere, for more than obvious reasons of course…

So please, let’s get over this whole situation already because it has gotten more than tiring…


Too bad this quote is an ““iNvAlId SoUrCe oF eViDeNcE”” :frowning:

(It really isn’t actually, as it’s as valid as Jeff’s other quotes throughout the months where he has made claims of a majority and the like, but anyways…)

MrNegotiator, remember how you used to comment on all my Comp Classic threads saying how terrible an idea it was (on your MrSandvich account), how it would split the playerbase and increase queue times, how it was “the last thing the game needs right now” with your mocking/laughing and facepalm emotes? Yeah, looks like the devs sided with me on this huh? :slight_smile:

Oh and we now have an official source of evidence from the developers that Role Queue has a big divide in supporters versus dislikers with even Jeff remarking on the success of Open Queue.

I personally feel the numbers once Competitive Open Queue is side by side Role Queue will tell us the unquestionable truth about the matter.

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Lul, you ask for evidence and then support your next claim with “for obvious reasons.” C’mon, fam. That is a bit hypocritical.


Nice try, but I was very quick to take that comment back after GreyFalcon explained the many other perspectives of such an addition to the game in the sense that it could reduce the queue times for 2/2/2 role - lock (which it actually did).

Oh, so now that the devs presented a ““big divide”” according to you amongst 2/2/2 role - lock supporters and haters, his quotes are an “official” and valid source of evidence, but for the past months when the exact same developer has made multiple claims of a majority concerning the exact same subject, all his words were an ““invalid source of evidence””…

How much more hypocritical can you all get by this point??

  1. Don’t talk to me about hypocrisy, please.
  2. I know that if I begin citing the same old pieces of evidence from the official developers of this game, who until 2 days ago were blamed for being an ““invalid source of evidence”” in this corner of the Forums, I’ll once again start getting harassed by the same old 4 people as if I’m against a gang, so yeah I would like to stay out of all that…

Are you calling me a hypocrite? Based on what? That would be the first time I was accused of that in a long while.

I have no idea what you are talking about, but if 4 people refuted you, I doubt it was a compelling piece of evidence.


Yeah, you took it back at first (last year) when GreyFalcon explained it to you, and then, rather strangely, went back to repeating the exact same debunked logic later on. Then you again took it back after I explained it to you. But that’s fine, I’ll let you off on that one.

Yes, they’re valid as evidence now because we’ve been presented with the data they’re based on.

Previous claims about the success of Role Queue and “mostly positive feedback” were based on absolutely no data visible to us, other than possibly the thoroughly biased forum polls, so yes they were and still are invalid.

Again with that snarky tone. You’ve been proven wrong time and time again on so many accounts by now. There is and was absolutely no hypocrisy.

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First of all I’m glad they are creating the 2 choices, but there you biased talking how huge it was.

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It is huge, relative to other Arcade modes, which is what you should be comparing.

It’s massively unfair to compare it to a mainstay mode not buried in the Arcade, and not on a small card.

Imagine if when Role Queue was added, they just added it to a small card in the Arcade. Do you think it would’ve been more popular than the normal Comp back then if they did that?


I would call it huge if there was a big difference between that and the others Arcade modes.

It was the most popular or second most popular Arcade mode in most regions, with Quick Play Classic.

Not to mention the chart showed only the first day - many players hadn’t even discovered the mode existed.


Probably. A lot of the people that still play this game are obsessed with 222. It likely would have been more popular than the open queue version. If anything, just because people were curious to test it whereas we all know what open queue is about.

But there was a big diff between 1 and 2 place?, in korea I consider it was huge.