💬 Jeff on Open Queue: "We just hadn't anticipated the success of the mode to be what it was."

The post you linked to, did not contain any polls.

Thanks, no point continuing the discussion then.

Let me hold your hand though the process then, because they did link to the polls.

Go click on the links, and you will see the results.

Hint, they show a 2/3 in favor result overall.

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Thanks, not sure why that took you so long.

Will have a look over them. But thanks for finally providing them.

Funnily enough, I copied the links DIRECTLY from the post I linked you to…

Which you were saying “they were all expired”…

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No. The links you gave me didn’t direct to any polls. Might be due to the link on my end leading to a different post, not sure. But now I checked again, the one you linked me to, I had to scroll up like 10 posts to get to the polls.

Now the next thing you need to do, is show me where those polls were done - as I did for my role distribution polls.

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Well, LETS assume worse case, and they are all from here.
Which was where your “this is the bias” data is from.

If you can’t show it when it is worse case, then you fail at the first step.

No, let’s not assume anything. Assumptions always lead to errors.

Just provide the links, thanks.

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No, worse case is good enough for me, I’m giving you the BEST result for you.
Lets see if you can make that work.

I want to know if I’m wrong just as much as I want to know if I’m right, and how wrong/right I am, and what I’m wrong or right about, rather than vague assumptions.

I’m sure as a Maths guy you understand.

I think you can napkin it to work out if more work needs doing.
After all, if you fail at this step, we ALREADY have our answer.

No further analysis is needed.

If you show there is enough to need more, then we do more.

I’m looking forward to playing open q in comp. I left right before role qing existed and playing in a forced 2-2-2 meta just isn’t how I used to play. Open q seems more original- I don’t want the game to force my team into anything.

Okay, let’s take the worst case scenario.

They were taken from a Role-Queue supporters Discord group.

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I see you have NO interest in even taking this seriously.

I see you have no interest in providing sources.

No need to discuss further.

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I provided sources, which you had previously accept enough to complain about on the forums.

You have avoided doing the analysis on them.

I know if I can source them all from there, you would STILL avoid doing the work.

No, sources for where the polls were done.

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EU has language barrier issues so even at high elos the coordination is equivalent to like plat na. KR has pretty high coordination because Korean call outs are a lot faster than English callouts as long as you learn the basics, also just a hyper competitive region in general, though the cheating situation is significantly worse because of gaming cafes.

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Look, you can go search for strawpoll, roleQ and find them yourselves.

You complained before that they are mostly local, WHEN I presented that data to you before.

IF you want to then ignore YOUR OWN POSTS on it, then sure. But you are trying to avoid doing the analysis at this point, because you don’t like the results it will give you.

Go do the search on roleQ and strawpoll in the search bar and you will get the forum ones.

I see - you have no clue where the polls were done.

That’s all I needed to know. Thanks.


You DO realise that any “strawpoll” link its really weak (and that is being kind) compared to a direct source from the Devs about the usage across the globe, with 100% accuracy, right?

I mean, even if 10k people from the forums answered that poll, it would still be ridiculous in comparison. The forums are quite the echo chamber and most of the times the most “funny” answer/meme will get more votes than the actual truth, providing stats and logic.

Its not about “not taking it seriously” , its about properly assessing the accuracy and range of said data in comparison to the playerbase.