Jeff Kaplan is on Emongg Stream right now

Just FYI


Jeff thinks Defense Matrix will have open opportunities to do things like grav

Reaper and Winston does feel rough. He doesn’t think it will affect much.

He feels his transparency on the little surprise back fired because people thought it meant a map even though he flat out said it wasn’t a map. And the surprise was meant to be that it was a short story format lore thing, which is a new. And it came with a skin.

Social feature not coming soon.

More people play Quickplay, but most playtime is Comp.

Not happy with Comp because SR isn’t transparent. But he feels that matchmaker is accurate if kind of a bummer.

Thinks people play to win comp more than QP.

Thinks the team based environment is kind of unfair because people have to play heroes they may not want to play. Thinks social pressure and abuse leads to that.

Jeff only plays Rein,, Winston, and Ana in comp because he feels pressured to be a team player, even though he mains everyone. He wants to solve that problem.

He recognizes that lfg isn’t a good solution for the above for solo queue people. This is why comp isn’t groups only.

Don’t have solo queue system because game is already balanced by being aggressive about matching six stacks with six stacks. He feels it would just kill all grouping to do more.


What about Winston?
Winston didn’t get changed this patch
Unless he’s referring to Winston’s indirect buff

He means the Reaper vs Winston map was rough before the change so meh…

Jeff doesn’t think that a lot of people think that the matchmaker isn’t good at assessing your skill level.

Says you would need a lifestyle change to climb.

I am live tweeting this because I have nothing better to do. Won’t promise to do the whole thing.


The idea of role queue for the development team is something discussed specifically because people have different srs based off their roles. Player matchmaking can’t account for players doing stuff unexpected like the world’s best 1 trick Widow suddenly deciding to play Reinhardt messes up the match for anyone else. Another benefit would be that people who are reluctant to play a role wouldn’t play stuff they aren’t good at.

Jeff says the game is currently balanced and thats a short conversation.

Jeff asking about the Crab is the highlight of the stream. lol!

So much sycophancy in chat. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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He understands the crabs on Emongg’s stream now and I think it’s over. Also Jeff is older but not as out of touch as he thought.

Jeff just announced Overwatch Immortal.

What was that song he played?? It was really catchy!

I think its called Crab Rave. I honestly don’t remember if that’s right. lol

I need that kinda energy for my cardio days

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He’s on Franyatta’s stream now. I missed the first part.

Guilds is too big of a scope right now.

Something cool pve story wise is coming, reminded her that Archives is coming up in the not too distant future.

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So, I agree with everything Jeff has apparently said… Except the comment about the Defense Matrix.

I think the life steal is too much and they need to fix his teleport into something useable.

Jeff doesn’t care as much about how long a meta stays but thinks people will always grow to dislike current meta.

Wants more educated ptr testing not just theorycrafting.

“What the hell do you people want,” when it comes to people always complaining about the current meta. He says there will always be a meta, and nobody plays meta south of Diamond. And says even if you pick the hero’s compromising it you aren’t really playing the meta.

If it’s currently balanced then the changes on the PTR are unneeded.

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I do feel like the matchmaking is pretty bad for the quick play and arcade, the competitive matchmaking works pretty well though.