Already seeing the pro players for OW QP expecting everyone to get 20 picks a game in quick game on day 2, pathetic.
Forgot one asking players to play Tank or Support.
It should easily be game of the year!
First one of these topics that warms my heart.
Oh hey the OW OQ experience. Somehow I am not surprised. I didnt have that experience as I was just kinda vibing. I had some meh games (I do not think I had a single close one) but I expected that for a new game. Honestly I was just surprised that all the things that made the game completely mid in beta are still there. The “its just a beta” crowd are now out of excuses.
Yeah, they’re going to move to role queue eventually. Surprise, people want to pew pew, not help others pew pew.
You sure those aren’t CoD players? I feel like by this point, we all know that scoreboards mean a lot less in an objective-based hero shooter.
Not to mention CoD players are more trend followers, like going out to see the latest Marvel movie.
Why would they condemn their game to death? Makes no sense. Players will sort themselves out. Those that can not handle staggering their ego won’t climb the ladder.
i pray they add role queue. they’re already recreating GOATS again LMAO.
plus you cant hero stack. whats the point in Open Queue if you cant stack 6 Wolverines
literally had one guy throw cause we didnt chose doctror strange to do team combo stuff . …
Its a weird year for that award.
WuKong- good game but not great imo
Astro bot- great game but ps5 exclusive will hurt it
shadow of erdtree- great dlc but was just more elden ring and being dlc will hurt it
I didnt play final fantasy
I doubt it will go to marvel but Im liking it so far
I said the same thing when OW implemented RQ, but that’s because I was never in a game without a support because I was always willing to swap. I climbed, but most of the player base just wants to play the role they want no matter what and have a well-rounded team comp to help them do that. It’s going to happen.
The game is fire, and that bothers other people for some odd reason. The whole fanboy mentality. The crazy part is, they knew they were warned about how good Rivals would be way ahead of time. Lol
For example, I admit that I was super skeptical about Rivals and thought it was just hype and gaslighting. I was entirely wrong. Game is raw flames, and stupidly fun and addictive.
It cost OW 50% of its playerbase straight up within 1 year. It is also in a steady, slow, but still decline as of now. Queue times is always being quoted as the number 1 issue for people not playing.
5v5 was only cause of queue times which blizzard themselves even confirmed after insider leaks saying how it was. Like for real. On top of that they keep making the MM looser. Tanks have had 500-1000 SR difference and games have started. Like for real. Multi seasons masters vs a plat. Like yea, wonder how that is gonna play out?
Blizzard backed themselves in to a corner coz of ego and due too that same ego they have deeply rooted themselves in place and frankly they’ll never finess their way out of it now. Thus the game will keep enjoying a slow death as queue times spirals more especially with a dropping populace.
This is crazy Throwing when someone doesn’t want to go a certain character. Although really don’t enjoy any of the Vanguards
Is the game purely casual or does it have a competitive and ladder option?
I hope for their sake it’s purely casual. Competitive will only bring the worst out of the game.
Oh cool. Sounds like the quality of the OW community is going to hugely improve.
It has a comp mode, but it isn’t out yet.
What a bub. Little does he realize that I was already throwing by picking Wolverine. I do not need help losing.
Ow players ruin everything