I've wanted the option to say sorry for so long

Is trying ways to nerf CC, changing hated maps and adding priority queue not fixing the game?


Let me remember you consoles are a thing.

Just because YOU don’t find something useful it doesn’t mean it isn’t. Entitlement is strong here


Its most likely more than JUST sorry, and WILL have impact, and this HAS been requested, but its always pushed away by the REWORK SYMMETRA MCCREE NERFS ARE NEVER ENOUGH REEEE


A lot of people, myself included, have wanted this.

Remember: you aren’t the only player, and your wants and requests do not supersede everyone else’s.

Also, i’m not the biggest fan of them…but to say they need to be replaced? Your sense of entitlement is incredibly unsettling and gross!


This!! Communication in EU can be so bad sometimes. So many people don’t want to talk because they don’t understand English well enough and therefore think it’s unnecessary energy wasted or they are too nervous or afraid of talking in case they get made fun of for their accent (scuse me for having a German accent :joy:)
This will be such a nice QoL change for EU servers (and consoles!) so I’m so excited for this update


I figured something like this would be helpful in EU since there’s so many different language barriers that exist on those servers, and the in-game commands automatically translate to whatever language you set your game to.

I’m partially deaf myself, so this helps me since I can read the commands in-game.

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Yeah? No one said they did, but I’m not going to sugarcoat it, either. This is unimportant and there are far more pressing issues to fix in the game.

Oh hell no. You’re not even using “entitlement” correctly, you’re using it hypocritically.

In the real world, if you can’t do your job, you get replaced by someone who can. That is how the working world works. Blizzard’s devs are the worst in the business. They need to be replaced by a more competent team who will fix things.

The idea that saying this is “gross” to you actually says a lot about your entitlement. Maybe you grew up not having to work for anything or worry about the fact that you have to do your job well in order to keep doing it, but for the rest of us, that’s how it works.

Because you feel it is unimportant, you made the claim that they should be replaced.

That is literally entitlement in its definition. You can say, “you’re using it incorrectly and hypocritically” doesn’t mean it’s true. I’m not. You literally went into a paragraph after to justify your entitlement.



Well, as a Console player that doesn’t have the luxury of Text Chat, I’m glad they’re improving the wheel. Because, outside a voice, that’s all we have to communicate. So, being able to say things like “fall back” and such, will be very useful.

I’ve requested it as well, a few times, on various threads, over the last few months.

You are focusing on one very small use that was mentioned (in the Dev Update). There are more useful applications for the updated wheel. I even mentioned one earlier in this comment.

Right? It comes off very “if this thing doesn’t benefit me, specifically, I don’t want it in the game/want the devs working on it”.

And, I mean, if that’s the case, then I don’t want them to rework Paris. I like the map how it is. Should I pitch a fit too?

But, they are doing their job. They’re making it easier for people to communicate, in game, which can then lead to better match quality/experiences. Just because it doesn’t benefit you, specifically, doesn’t mean it’s not a good thing.


Maybe it’s unimportant to you, but for many people this is a very welcome QoL change.

Regardless of what you think of it, this shows the Devs care about the little things to make games nicer as well and I for one welcome that


No, I made the claim that they should be replaced because of complete incompetence in developing this game across the board. I’ve said it multiple places other than here, with lots of evidence.

You’re so freaking entitled that you don’t understand how the real world works. I’m not wasting any more time on a child. Ignored.

Nah, don’t worry. They’re not entitled because they said they aren’t. I am the entitled one, majestically.

How are you going to claim I’m entitled but then you continue to incorrectly call me entitled? I’m not the one writing about what the dev’s priorities should be.


It shows that they don’t care enough to focus on the important stuff. That’s the problem. Along with allllll the balance issues, matchmaking issues, map design issues, and the fact that they keep introducing heroes that exacerbate every single one of the problems with the game, and then waste time on stuff like this…yeah, at a time when dev confidence is at an all-time low, stuff like this doesn’t help.

I’m glad you’re going to enjoy the feature, I really am, but for me, it’s like saying, “We’ve added foosball tables to the lounges” while the ship is sinking.

I get that frustration because boy oh boy have I complained a lot about all of this to my friends as well … I’m trying to be positive and see this as the Devs being invested in the longevity of their game by fixing/adding the small things they can right now while working on bigger things.
But I get your frustration …

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Communication in a team based game is one of the most important aspects, so I would say they are focusing on what we need fairly well.


I won’t begrudge you your positivity. I just have so little hope for this game anymore, and the idea that this is what we’re getting instead of sweeping changes to problematic foundational elements of gameplay is disappointing.

For what it’s worth, I am honestly glad you’re going to enjoy the changes. I don’t usually use voice so I will find some use in them, too, but I just want to see so much more.

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Anecdotal evidence is worse than useless when it comes to a game with literally millions of players. If Blizz says it’s a common request, than it’s a common request.

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I’d be careful of that mindset, honestly. While they deserve the freedom to update their game as they please, you shouldn’t take their word verbatim without questioning it or looking for further evidence.

Skepticism is okay IMO. It doesn’t have to mean you completely distrust what they say. But I also wouldn’t say that blindly believing what they say is healthy, either.

Thank you, I hope you’ll get use of it as well, even if it’s only in small ways.

I hope the Devs will do something in the future to bring back your and so many others enjoyment for the game and bring about these sweeping changes the game really really needs.

And who knows, maybe the changes coming with OW2 will be a step in the right direction


This will make absolutely no difference whatsoever. Sorry. If teams ignore the tank using the “Group up” communication, as they so often do, they won’t pay any more attention to something like “Fall back,” and may even ignore that one even more. Unfortunately, this isn’t at all going to fix communication issues for the segments of the playerbase that has them.