Just…awsome really. I was accused of beying a smurf…just because I am gold border in low rank, who placed low long time ago and never really tried to clomb…till now. But my skill has improved A LOT during those months in QP. So now people think, that I am gold border, who deranked just to smurf there, while I just wanna get out of that elo hell.
So I guess people like you are reporting me
This is why SR reset should be a thing.
That is all well and good for a stunt, I’m talking actual competition. Junior high kids aged 12-15 who are just learning to play the game scheduled to compete against pro teams made up of adults.
I like how some people defend smurfs that they want to learn a new character. And yet even if they reached the lvl to play competitive they still plague game modes like arcade even worse in MH. So much for learning that 1 hero…
I know soccer, played for many years and was an official referee for several seasons as well. The game you refer to was not a group of young kids who were learning how to play, they were adults who were already pro-hopefuls who were added to the team due to injury / sickness (Covid-19). This is not the same as expected 12-year-olds to learn how to play soccer by competing in the FA cup as their training. If you think that is how we should train for sport (e-sports count) than you should want those 12-year-olds to be constantly demolished, demoralized, and constantly reminded of how bad they play since that is what is considered ‘normal’ in OW as an esport. How about if you want to continue to play another sport as a was to stay in shape, like basketball, but your only option to play consistently in an organized way was to always play against teams made up of pro and semi-pro players 20-years younger? If you say ‘there is always quick play’ I’ll respond, A) it isn’t the same and B) it doesn’t solve the actual problem of the extreme skill range of all players who have different goals for playing.
My suggestion is for Blizzard to better support casual leagues like with softball. They are still competitive, but no-one expects to go pro. With OW pros in the same ladder as everyone else, it really distorts the playing environment in a negative way.
I would say what alot ppl call as smurfs are just ppl that dont belong in the right rank due to the amount of damage smurfs/alters did to the mm.
For every single smurf/alt you affect up to 11 ppl worth of underserved sr gain/loss. Now multiply it by the number of games said smurf/alt plays, then multiply it by the number of smurf/alt players, and finally multiply it by the amount of years it has been going on.
The damage done to the match making is already beyond repair and there are too many ppl at wrong ranks due to said smurfs/alts who abuse the grey area of the tos.
A) the FA Cup game used as an example is not a good one simply because the players were not 12 and just learning the game; I’ve never said that 18-year-olds are never good enough to play against pros; I don’t want to play against pros, I’m over 50 and it wouldn’t be fair to my teammates, so why am I in the same player pool with the pro-hopefuls e.g. the 17-year-old with reflexes like a real ninja?
B) resorting to rank shaming is a good way to lose credibility
C) why not just come out and say you don’t care about match quality down in Bronze and we all deserve to get stomped like the trash we are? People with high skill throw down to Bronze because they get a kick out of beating people of lesser skill, and there are plenty on this forum who like it that way, my question is are you one of them?
Just there is a reason why they are up there and you are down where you are.
Part mechanics. Part game sense. Part mental.
You can work on all of them. Smurfs are not your issue.
Here is a secret for you. I was once 495sr… blaming everyone, inc. people i thought were smurfing for my rank… Then a friend gave me a reality check, told me to think about things differently… within 2 seasons I was gold. and eventually hit Diamond. I took more than a year off, and now I just vibe and chill out when I play. so I float around gold/plat. Trust me, you are you biggest enemy.
I do think it’s overkill unless you see a low level player actively throwing… for example, standing still, shooting at the sky, or just otherwise not playing the game correctly in order to make their team lose.
Otherwise, how can you tell they aren’t just on a new account and working their way up through the ranks? Owning an alt account isn’t smurfing, after all.
When a level 26 Doomfist has 41 kills and 4 deaths in a Gold/Plat match, they don’t belong in that SR. This is not an “honest” player “climbing”, it’s someone knowingly RIGGING the placement system, so they can keep stomping casual players for several days without meeting much hindrance.
They have been doing this for years, and some of them admit to getting banned multiple times.
When these people start getting matched against players of equal expertise, they are no longer having fun, and then create a new “alt”, which is a complete misnomer.