It may be overkill, it may be pointless, and to some it may seem petty. But, I’ve gotten in the habit of reporting smurfs in competitive.
I know “Smurfs is bad” isn’t exactly a fresh topic, but I thought I’d throw my hat into the ring here. Smurfs, frankly, turn the game (specifically comp) far more frustrating and luck based than it should be. If I join a comp game and see half the enemy is half Smurf, which is like, 40 to 50 percent of the time, and get steamrolled, there’s not even the satisfaction of knowing ’ I did this wrong, be more careful next game’ because as a gold, getting juggled by a master level doomfist, constantly headshot by the enemy snipers or having everything I do mitigated by perfect shielding or bubbles by the enemy tanks, I’m left with the feeling of ‘what the hell can I do?’
Furthermore, having smurfs on my team is almost as tilting, cos I don’t like the feeling of getting carried. All I want is a competitive game, where everyone is even in skill, all improving despite winning or losing.
If there was a way to mark smurfs for blizz to easily pick them out and put them in their own games or, if necessary, ban them, that would be fine. Until that happens, I’m now reporting smurfs.
Tldr; tilted gold reporting smurfs for having and giving an unfair advantage
I do it too. They’re a plague in Bronze. I just recently made a topic with a replay of three of them in my sub-1000 SR game. They had the audacity to tell me they didn’t break any rules.
Them just being down here is breaking the rules. I want to play people who are equally as bad (or good) as I am).
I lost a match before, where I was consistently getting picks, but still got outplayed because I couldn’t deal with the enemy Orisa having the awareness her team lacked, and Tracer who is, frankly, a menace in all ranks. But that was outplaying, gg, tried my best even if it wasn’t good enough, and I still consistently took out their Ana and Ashe multiple times.
Smurf matches are not fair matches. I don’t want to be carried and be useless all game, I don’t want to be spawncamped and be useless all game. I actually want to play. The. Game.
I don’t know why this is such a hard concept for everyone else to comprehend.
As a gold player you aren’t seeing multiple masters players on just the enemy team regularly, you literally have 10x the playerbase so if everyone was playing together in gold and master’s you’d have 1 ish per game, the more likely Chance is they’re just people of your rank on new accounts and you’re looking for something to blame
If Masters players are 1/10th the size of gold, and you mixed them all you’d have a population that was 1/11th Masters players, giving you at least one Master’s player in 64.95% of your games.
If even 1% of the population you match with is smurfs, then you’d still have a smurf in your match in more than 1 out of 10 games (10.47%), and if it’s 2% of the population then once in five games (19.93%).
It does not take very many smurfs in the population before you see them often because only one out of 11 players you match with has to be a smurf.
It sure is! If Blizz cared, they’d have dealt with it long ago!
Translation: I still support a dying game that promotes abuse of the SR system by letting players buy new accounts to ‘reset’ their MMR and ‘smurf’ below their MMR.
I won’t stop playing though because I enjoy being fodder for these MMR abusers and lamely use the report system to try and get change to happen…
When you’re reporting a player for playing good, low chance CS is going to look at previous matches to see if they have thrown matches.
They get dozens of reports, so it really only helps if you report them whilst they are throwing.
You have no way to definitively prove that. Even players with some map awareness could be console converts.
I mean, I’ve been accused of smurfing despite being level 600~ and hardstuck in diamond/plat. I don’t trust you guys to make this judgement because you frankly don’t know so you just report people who play better than you.