I've started reporting smurfs

Smurfs=90% ELO boosted accounts by boosting service. A few owl players banned from a few match because of boosting. Money motivates a lot of people.


We need to remember that a masters, diamond or even high plat alt on the other team in silver/gold is more or less the same thing. Players who should be in that rank won’t be able to identify the difference and seem to assume the worst case scenario.

Yes, meeting a masters or gm smurf in gold is relatively rare but that doesn’t really matter. Regardless there’s going to be a stomp.


Just be careful, you might falsely report people who are better than you.

idc if you’re smurfing, just dont play hitscan

I know I’m far from the best at the game, there’s loads out there better than me. I mean, ffs I’m in gold. But a level sub 30 widow shouldn’t be landing every trickshot they try, and a pharah of the same level shouldn’t land direct hits all game. You can tell by the kill cams who should or shouldn’t be in their rank. I only report if I’m dead certain

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Smurfs are skilled players on new accounts, they’re not throwers or people on a friend’s account. “Smurf” exclusively refers to newly purchased low level accounts, and as previously stated by the former lead designer of Overwatch — as I’ll link below — this is not against the rules.

Jeff’s post in the following thread: Serious question: Is smurfing cheating?


Good luck with that. Smurfs are never gonna get banned for being smurfs, seeing how they’re the only ones making money anymore. Find a better reason to report them at least. Like if they keep going alone and feeding or playing support only to DPS, or if they go full “useless team” in chat.

I never claimed it was hard tho 🥲
The point of my response was that people accuse me of smurfing on pc while im not.

I know banning won’t happen, but I have some hope that an account will be marked as a Smurf, then matched with other smurfs. It’s a vain hope, but a hope nonetheless

Never did before but now I started to report them aswell, blizz won’t wake up? Then get this.

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I have been reporting every smurf for months now.
I know that the devs don’t give a damn, but it’s the thought that counts.

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Why is this better? Because they “skip” two tiers? People in gold or plat are as helpless as bronzees against smurf stacks.

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You should ignore the troll comments that say “you’re reporting someone for being better than you?” By definition a smurf is better than you because a smurf is someone purposely playing in a skill group they don’t belong in that is far below their own skill level.


I wanna say what I’ve said a thousand times here: Stop reporting them because eventually when you report enough accounts that get their actions revoked you’ll end up getting suspended yourself over mass false reporting

But at this point the game is such a bronze border fiesta that I kinda secretly wish that players would do it even more aggressively so the game would become unplayable if you performed well with these accounts because you’d get banned by the time you reach lvl 20. Then again everyone would just throw harder, get even worse MMRs and then do even more damage to the competitive scene than before

But I dunno. It’s kinda hard to fix an issue that is mostly caused simply because nobody plays the game anymore really unless they’re a hardcore dedicated veteran player, and it’s exactly those players who keep creating these accounts, meaning that while their amounts haven’t necessarily changed in a considerable way, their proportion is relatively a lot higher than it ever has been

You’re right, they don’t belong in that SR, but they have to work their way up through the ranks to get to where they need to be.

When I started my alt account, I only played 5 games before I was facing off against gold/silver border players with hundreds of hours (I only play QP). It takes time for the match maker to find where you belong.

Seeing a particularly skilled player of a lower rank in your games is not proof that they’re smurfing. Might they reach their intended rank and then create a new alt? Maybe… but you’re never going to know that unless you’re following that player around like a stalker. You’re wasting your time and energy on a boogeyman lol.

Unless you see them actively throwing the game, they’re not smurfing. It’s as simple as that. Any complaints beyond that are just excessive.

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There wasn’t one single ban because of mass reporting.

This is such a weird complaint to me with how luck based mystery heroes tends to be anyways.

Knowledge vs players with less knowledge is still an edge and also its also weird when smurfs say they do it to learn a certain hero but then they just goof around in arcade.

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A level 25 doomfist or Genji that’s just wiping the team every fight is my first thought

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Probably just a diamond player on an alt account right after placements. Nothing to worry about.