I've missed playing Sombra!

Daddy Jeff finally announced that Sombra is getting “pretty significant changes.” Thank the lord, I’ve missed playing my main

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while that is nice lets wait and see the changes before singing his praise shall we.
we don’t know if it will end the same as last time.


“pretty significant changes”

it’s a nerf, guys


Sounds like a hidden nerf to me

I’m very skeptical of what “pretty significant changes” means, though. While I’m excited for them finally acknowledging the issue, I’m extremely worried that the desire for some simple bug fixes has perhaps evolved into a rework that very few people really asked for.


I mean, I don’t know about Jeff personally but Blizzard devs have been known to massively over exaggerate. So let’s wait and see before we praise, yeah?

Really? appreciation ?

The overwatch team destroyed (facts can back me up) sombra .

-C Tier from launch to viable after 1 year .

2 WEEKS the buffed lasted before the devs nerfed her because they talked in theyre private chat with some pros who prefered her F tier before learning
to counter her.
Nerfing her to -F tier worst than launch with more bugs and less viable than ever before

Then they say they will keep an eye to make sure she lands in a good place AFTER MORE THAN HALF A YEAR and now it seems they want to make changes after even the top sombra players are done.

Appreciation is the last word i would tell the devs. id suggest to wait and see

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Jeff can Fu(k right off for saying it’s the communities fault for the slow patch releases. And also the PTR being only about bug fixes and not feedback. Yeah that too.

She’s gonna land in a good place.

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Their over exaggeration is where the “no fun” meme comes from.

The amount of BS they use to sell some of the changes they do gets tiring sometimes, when they should really just come out and say “we don’t like how x works so are changing it to…” like they did with the tracer nerf.

Oh well, hopefully she gets fixed in a bug free manner that doesn’t leave her in F tier :expressionless: