I've changed my position on qpc, and having a ranked version

Well they could throw in some arbitrary limits.

Say a 2 Tank maximum.

Since Rein+Orisa+Sigma is…problematic.

Yeah but to have access to new heroes, they would need to either be stuck with the same balance we have moving further into 2/2/2 where tanks are stronger, and they would be OP as the patches advance, that’s why they would need a separate comp classic patch before long.

the meta will be stronger thus its necessity will activate lower down in the ranks, it won’t only be playable if played well making it the best tactic, it will be playable because it’s the most powerful rather than difficult, so you can expect it to go from GM to gold hard meta the whole way.

So it would need a separate balance patch to avoid forcing metas.

I don’t think that is the way forward.

I’d run it and see how it goes. It is only a problem if it is a problem.

If 3+ tank comp become an issue then make the change, but given the player base of qpc, I don’t think it will be an issue

True enough, some limits might spoil the emotional promise of the mode.

I see no reason not to implement it like the other rotating competitive Arcade modes. If anything it makes sense as it was the og comp mode.

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I figure put it in arcade, but also on the normal Comp menu.

Two doorways to the same mode.

Like this, but with Comp.

Seems reasonable to me.

It won’t be. Triple tank was a meta in a lot of ranks so I don’t really think anyone that plays it would actually care.

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I’ll draw up a new GIF for it tonight.

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That’s just speculation, it could just as easily make it better as it shifts those with long queue times into the mode.

Kinda like when role Q was only in the PTR and it was an option to use, people went in there of their own choice and it was actually decently populated.

I already admitted that :wink:


Oh my bad! Didn’t see and was just responding lmao.

Those modes you cited are all temporary.

Are you advocating for a temporary classic competitive season?

I can’t agree with this personally unless it is a temporary thing like the modes you cited.

I don’t mind either way.

I’d be ok with a temporary classic season, but then again I’d be ok with it as a permanent mode.

But I’ve not really thought through the permanent mode tradeoffs.

At the VERY least a temporary season thing would be really good.

Maybe perm would also be good. I’ve not throught that far into it.

So, why do you think it would be bad to have it as perm?

What’s the point in having an imbalanced ranked experience once they rebalance every hero for 2/2/2? It will be just as irrelevant as the other ranked modes.

So those of us that dont like 222 can still have competitive?

I see a slippery slope with complaints arising if the change was permanent.

They are on record saying they are balancing the game with 222 in mind. So this mode would become pretty unbalanced by comparison (at least I’d wager).

Then we’d see threads asking for balance changes specifically for that mode and now we’re nearly back at square 1.

The other issue is queue times. I’m not sure how it would affect 222 competitive, but if there were not adverse effects I really don’t mind. I just don’t see there being no adverse effects.

And? You say that like it is a bad thing.

Lucioball isn’t the point of overwatch, but it is a good thing to have in the game.

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I see no problem with that.
Maybe add a “first time” disclaimer that this mode may be unbalanced as the game is balanced around the 2/2/2 restriction?

Mainly for new players so they can be aware that Comp classic isn’t going to be the picture of perfect balance.

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Can you imagine a Sigma + Orisa + Hog? It would take the bunker comp to a whole new level of aggravation.